Miss Melanie: What is the difference between photography and digital photography? Some colleges want to know if I want to major in photography or digital photography. Besides the use of two different cameras, what the real difference? Answers and Views: Answer by obidanePhotography with film is a lot different from digital. For one thing, … [Read more...] about What is the difference between photography and digital photography?
What is the best photography book for someone who is already very educated in the field of photography?
lucky stripE: What is the best photography book for someone who is already very educated in the field of photography? My sister is a wedding photographer and is very good at what she does. I thought it would be cool to giver her a very advanced book of digital photography, but they all seem like they're for beginners. Anyone have an idea on what … [Read more...] about What is the best photography book for someone who is already very educated in the field of photography?
How absolutely complicated/expensive is it to study photography abroad in the UK?
Ginni B: How absolutely complicated/expensive is it to study photography abroad in the UK? I love photography. It has been my long time passion. Photos last forever and says so many different things. While I was planning to go to The Art Institute in York, I just had this crazy thought, which better way is there to study photography and get my … [Read more...] about How absolutely complicated/expensive is it to study photography abroad in the UK?
What’s the difference between shooting on film or digitally?
Scott k: What's the difference between shooting a film digitally or on film? If u shoot on film, could u upload that to your computer onto final cut? Answers and Views: Answer by HermanoNot Directly, of course. Film is film which has to be developed and you could have the photo finisher give you a digital copy.Answer by snowwillow20No film … [Read more...] about What’s the difference between shooting on film or digitally?
Why do college photography courses still make you use a film camera?
Gattu9005: Why do college photography courses still make you use a film camera? I can't believe the number of photography courses which still want you to shoot black and white film and develop it yourself. I have no objection to b&w and all it entails but time should be spent on composition and exposure, not mixing chemicals. Digital, with … [Read more...] about Why do college photography courses still make you use a film camera?
What kind of film do I use for a Canon Sure Shot Owl PF camera?
anna: What kind of film do I use for a Canon Sure Shot Owl PF camera? I recently found my old Canon film camera, but I cannot remember what kind of film to buy to use it. I bought a box of Kodak advantix, but soon realized they were not compatable. Answers and Views: Answer by 2Nasty4U35mm film … [Read more...] about What kind of film do I use for a Canon Sure Shot Owl PF camera?
Can I do infrared photography with a digital camera ? or maybe a post editing effect ?
Moemen: Can I do infrared photography with a digital camera ? or maybe a post editing effect ? I have a sony H20 camera, can I shoot infrared photos ? if not, is there a way to make photos look like if having the infrared photography effect ? (maybe a photoshop plugin or technique) if there is a filter for the sony H20, can you tell me about it … [Read more...] about Can I do infrared photography with a digital camera ? or maybe a post editing effect ?