Moemen: Can I do infrared photography with a digital camera ? or maybe a post editing effect ? I have a sony H20 camera, can I shoot infrared photos ? if not, is there a way to make photos look like if having the infrared photography effect ? (maybe a photoshop plugin or technique) if there is a filter for the sony H20, can you tell me about it … [Read more...] about Can I do infrared photography with a digital camera ? or maybe a post editing effect ?
What is the best digital camera for a photography amateur?
Hootie: What is the best digital camera for a photography amateur? I am looking for a digital camera to use as a photography beginner. I'm looking for something just above your regular run-of-the-mill snapshot-type camera, but nothing in the thousands of dollars. Any advice you can give to this photography newbie is appreciated. Answers and … [Read more...] about What is the best digital camera for a photography amateur?
How do I “color correct” a lighting fixture to get it closer to the color temp of daylight?
Mike T: How do I "color correct" a lighting fixture to get it closer to the color temp of daylight? I admit that I don't know much about lighting. I was reading an article that said that when shooting video in a room with lots of daylight coming in through the windows, one should "color correct" the lighting fixtures in the room to get them … [Read more...] about How do I “color correct” a lighting fixture to get it closer to the color temp of daylight?
Is it worth shooting a roll of color film left in a camera for over thirty years?
davidgarciadrg: Is it worth shooting a roll of color film left in a camera for over thirty years? I was given a 35 mm camera, already loaded with color film over thirty years prior. Because the film is so old, I'd like to shoot a special project with it, hoping for some interesting effects. I've read that under the best conditions, color film … [Read more...] about Is it worth shooting a roll of color film left in a camera for over thirty years?
What are good photography summer camps for high school students?
Buttercup: What are good photography summer camps for high school students? My daughter would love to go to a photography camp this summer. Does anybody have any suggestions? She can take beautiful pictures with our Nikon D60, but has never had any formal training. Answers and Views: Answer by BabeIt really depends on where you love. In Los … [Read more...] about What are good photography summer camps for high school students?
What are some great photography competitions for teens that give away prizes?
Sweet Disposition: What are some great photography competitions for teens that give away prizes? I always take pics of flowers and nature based stuff. I also take pics at times of today's society, and how it affects culture, etc. What are some photography competitions that give away prize money? Thanks! Answers and Views: Answer by Ansell … [Read more...] about What are some great photography competitions for teens that give away prizes?
How does digital photography differ from traditional photography?
Jacquie: How does digital photography differ from traditional photography? I have taken basic photography and would like to learn digital photography. Answers and Views: Answer by beachxbabex3i think traditional (i mean since you learned it...) is like basically like setting up the light meter and etc. for each shot. its more "olden days" … [Read more...] about How does digital photography differ from traditional photography?