Summer Oggero: How can i dance just as good without Dance lessons? My friend can dance really good and she always wants to make dances with me. I really like to dance but im not that good at it, i really want to be a good hip hop dancer without taking dance lessons. Please help me! Answers and Views: Answer by klovesdanceUm its kinda hard to … [Read more...] about How can i dance just as good without Dance lessons?
How do you “cover” a person without the ball?
Anonymous: How do you "cover" a person without the ball? I am starting to play basketball again and I am having trouble playing covering a player without the ball. Are there any tips for "covering" the person with the ball? Also, would if I am covering someone, would I be looking at the ball or the player or waving my arms or … [Read more...] about How do you “cover” a person without the ball?
What are good celebrities/characters to portray for halloween?
dramaqueensz: What are good celebrities/characters to portray for halloween? I want something creative to be for halloween. What are some good characters or celebrities big this year that I could be for halloween? Any other costume suggestions are fine too. Answers and Views: Answer by B.LieveHalloween is one of the best times of the year so … [Read more...] about What are good celebrities/characters to portray for halloween?
juliecheezit: Dancing.....? im really good at hip hop dancing. If i do that once a day for 30 minutes will i lose weight? if so, how many pounds? its really fast dancing btw REALLY FAST!!! Answers and Views: Answer by heatgirl23idk how many pounds you will lose, but you will lose about 300 calories, if you do not change your diet Answer by … [Read more...] about Dancing…..?
What holiday today resembles the Roman holiday of Ludi Megalenses?
hellowfellowyellow: What holiday today resembles the Roman holiday of Ludi Megalenses? It doesn't necessarily have to be a holiday, but something we celebrate. Answers and Views: Answer by Brigitte HLudi Megalenses can be compared with feasts celebrating spring and resurrection of nature, feasts, the older cultures celebrated with practices … [Read more...] about What holiday today resembles the Roman holiday of Ludi Megalenses?
How do you say ” Happy New Year !”, in Mandarin ?
hman069: How do you say " Happy New Year !", in Mandarin ? I have a several friends from China, and I just wanted to learn how to say it using their native speech. Answers and Views: Answer by Max Cgong he xin xi (but their new year isn't for a while) Answer by House Mouse幸福的新年Answer by M&Axing nian kuai leAnswer by Big DiggerNormally, … [Read more...] about How do you say ” Happy New Year !”, in Mandarin ?
What would be the a good restaurant to take your wife out to ?
Marcus: What would be the a good restaurant to take your wife out to ? I want to take my wife out to a restaurant this friday for dinner and i was wondering what would be a good restaurant to take her to ? Should i take her to a buffet restaurant like ryans or take her to something like outback steak house ? I would appreciate all of your answers … [Read more...] about What would be the a good restaurant to take your wife out to ?