Little_Tiger: PhOtOgRaPhY......??? Hi, can u guys have a look at my pics on flickr. and give em our opinion please dont be too harsh, i just got a new Leica camera 4 my birthday and have just been getting used to it. i am 15 and i really want to improve at photography, so any constructive criticism would be great!! thanks … [Read more...] about PhOtOgRaPhY……???
How can i start to persue photography as a career?
Tim: How can i start to persue photography as a career? O.K, so I'm only 15, but I like photography and would like to peruse it as a career someday. I have a decent digital camera, It's a 5mp camera with a 4x optical zoom and a pretty decent lens. It's just a point a shoot, but I didn't have $ 700 to spend on an slr. I've read a book that … [Read more...] about How can i start to persue photography as a career?
How important is photography when going to the dentist for you?
dont call me betty: How important is photography when going to the dentist for you? thanks for asking! i never really cared about it, but lately since my old dentist Attila retired to smoke more ciggerettes i have interviewed a few dentists, their photography is terrible - they only shoot jpegs!! on P mode!! help! Answers and … [Read more...] about How important is photography when going to the dentist for you?
What is the difference between processing film and developing film?
Alyssa: What is the difference between processing film and developing film? I called a photo lab in my area and they said that they could only PROCESS 120mm film and had no way of printing it. Does that mean that it would come out as a negative and not an actual picture? Or on a more basic question what is processing and printing and … [Read more...] about What is the difference between processing film and developing film?
What camera should I get for my Photography I class?
SkeletonBoy: What camera should I get for my Photography I class? For my Photography I class I am going to need a 35mm SLR camera with a built in light meter and manually adjustable f-stops and shutter speeds with a normal lens. I'm brand new to photography and have no idea what this stuff means, so i was wondering what would be a good camera to … [Read more...] about What camera should I get for my Photography I class?
What type of science would photography be?
Gattu9005: What type of science would photography be? I have to identify what type of science is photography My project consists of experimenting with the angles, shadows, and position of my camera to receive different shadows, effects, etc. Help Please! Is it just photography itself or something totally different? Answers and Views: Answer … [Read more...] about What type of science would photography be?
Does the film need to be full to get a disposable camera developed?
: Does the film need to be full in order to get a disposable camera developed? I have two disposable cameras and I need the pictures developed asap. However, neither camera is full and I don't want to waste the film by taking random pictures, but also don't want to get blank pictures back if i get them developed early. Is there any way to just … [Read more...] about Does the film need to be full to get a disposable camera developed?