milan: My mother died recently. How do I deposit several "pay to the estate of" checks without opening a estate or? testamentary trust account? The check makers cannot change the "payable to" and my father`s bank cannot deposit them (even though my mother`s name) is jointly on the account. Answers and Views: Answer by Common Senseyou need to … [Read more...] about My mother died recently. How do I deposit several “pay to the estate of” checks without opening a estate or?
Whether love is an ocean or well to fall in it? Why it has been said as “Fall in Love”?
ρяιηcε cнαямιηg [ ǝunʇ ]: Whether love is an ocean or well to fall in it? Why it has been said as "Fall in Love"? Answers and Views: Answer by MikeIt is because most people think that being in love is not a conscious choice. It is not something they make a decision about. So falling is more like an accident or against our will, like … [Read more...] about Whether love is an ocean or well to fall in it? Why it has been said as “Fall in Love”?
Is the marriage held at Holy trinity church of dubai between the two christian couple is valid in Philippine?
: Is the marriage held at Holy trinity church of dubai between the two christian couple is valid in Philippine? Does the marriage of two christians couple which held at Holy Trinitiy church of Dubai, a protestant church, valid in Philippine law of marriage? The marriage did not authenticate at Dubai court nor the Philippine Consulate I would like … [Read more...] about Is the marriage held at Holy trinity church of dubai between the two christian couple is valid in Philippine?
What books do you recommend to learn about world religions?
Avalon Maiden: What books do you recommend to learn about world religions? I am interested in learning more about Paganism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism. Books about other religions are perfect too, but I want to read books that contain legit information. Also, books about the different denominations are good, but really, I'd like to read just … [Read more...] about What books do you recommend to learn about world religions?
“you do not choose or decide who you “fall in love” with, but it happens so randomly in life…”
Element Girl: "you do not choose or decide who you "fall in love" with, but it happens so randomly in life..." "... when you least expect it. Love is so unpreditable and crazy and wild, but it is the BEST thing to happen ever." do you like this quote??? Answers and Views: Answer by ♥♫Liana♫♥yea..its nice and mellow Answer by … [Read more...] about “you do not choose or decide who you “fall in love” with, but it happens so randomly in life…”
What is the relationship between history and literature?
Denise: What is the relationship between history and literature? What is the relationship to history and literature? Is one subordinate to the other? Does knowledge of history make a story more powerful, more real? Does history create literature and literature create history? Answers and Views: Answer by WillThe answer to both questions is, … [Read more...] about What is the relationship between history and literature?
What does a Bride want from a wedding photographer?
Mariah G: What does a Bride want from a wedding photographer? What does a Bride want most from a photographer? List them in importance 1-5. How much is a Bride willing to spend? Answers and Views: Answer by LibrachildIf it were me I would want pictures that really show how beautiful I look all done up (make up, hair, dress). Sentimental … [Read more...] about What does a Bride want from a wedding photographer?