I love Obama 3.75: What will Obama tell the families of the distressed home owners that committed suicide due to mortgage debt? Yes, people are killing themselves over the stress of losing their homes. Many of these people are the same people Obama promised home relief to, but he has done little to help anyone keep their homes. Obama has been too … [Read more...] about What will Obama tell the families of the distressed home owners that committed suicide due to mortgage debt?
Is it true Obama is building large underwater crafts for 2012, the continuation of humanity?
Harold: Is it true Obama is building large underwater crafts for 2012, the continuation of humanity? I've heard from reliable sources that the government under Obama is building under submarine type crafts, which will take a few thousand Americans underwater until the Solar flares that will kill everybody on the surface stop. What gives Obama … [Read more...] about Is it true Obama is building large underwater crafts for 2012, the continuation of humanity?
Should Obama have a beer conference to stop the bickering and bring the country together?
I.P. Orange: Should Obama have a beer conference to stop the bickering and bring the country together? He's been compared to Lincoln, who was president of ALL the people and brought us together. The cities of L.A., San Francisco, and even the state of Calif are planning to boycott for ideological reasons, the state of Arizona. Should Obama … [Read more...] about Should Obama have a beer conference to stop the bickering and bring the country together?
Has Obama taken us back to a pre 9-11 mentality when it comes to dealing with terrorism?
turd furgeson: Has Obama taken us back to a pre 9-11 mentality when it comes to dealing with terrorism? If so, why would he gamble with our national security like that? Why would he choose to make Americans less safe so he can please his left wing radical base? If not, please provide in detail how Obama has been tough on terrorism. How has he … [Read more...] about Has Obama taken us back to a pre 9-11 mentality when it comes to dealing with terrorism?
Why is the Obama administration proposing to spend less on health care for the elderly?
Texas Patriot: Why is the Obama administration proposing to spend less on health care for the elderly? The Obama administration is proposing to keep tabs on all spending on elderly patients. Hospitals that spend less on them would be rewarded while hospitals that spend more would be penalized. Sounds like rationing to me. Why is the Obama … [Read more...] about Why is the Obama administration proposing to spend less on health care for the elderly?
How many will be listening to Obama 30 minute speech tomorrow night?
That one: How many will be listening to Obama 30 minute speech tomorrow night? McCain is still trying to raise doubt about Obama. Obama will reassure people, who is. Obama, will reiterate that he is not going to raise taxes on the middle class. I can't wait to give a listen. I have already voted for him, but I plan on listening anyway. I like … [Read more...] about How many will be listening to Obama 30 minute speech tomorrow night?
Forrest Gump: Obama.........................…? Hey, I come from England, today i saw some news Live today of Obama signing that health thing hes been fighting for for so long. Why are so many people against it? Whats the good and bad things about it? is it like the free health care in Britain now? Answers and Views: Answer by SteveNo. It's … [Read more...] about Obama…………………….…?