: What is the effect of the internet on politics ? I think this would be an interesting topic for responses How do you think the internet affected politics in this past decade ? I've been thinking about this question for weeks now, and I think the internet has a major effect on today's politics. I'm wondering if what I'm saying is true. I'm … [Read more...] about What is the effect of the internet on politics ?
Should we start calling xmas trees holiday trees or leave it as is?
Nonickname: Should we start calling xmas trees holiday trees or leave it as is? Should we start calling xmas trees holiday trees or leave it as is? Why or why not? Answers and Views: Answer by x' boo 'xI think it should be Christmas tree :) because it is only for christmas not all holidays and its tradition,, … [Read more...] about Should we start calling xmas trees holiday trees or leave it as is?
What would the government do if there was a deadly virus spreading in the usa at a fast rate (ie zombies)?
: What would the government do if there was a deadly virus spreading in the usa at a fast rate (ie zombies)? I am doing a project for scifi class and one of the elements on the brouchure is "how to determine the type of attack". So what government agency would take care of this(a deadly virus spreading the usa very fastly)? And what would they do … [Read more...] about What would the government do if there was a deadly virus spreading in the usa at a fast rate (ie zombies)?
How is politics and religion getting in the way of schools trying to prevent anti-gay bullying?
Jackie!: How is politics and religion getting in the way of schools trying to prevent anti-gay bullying? I'm doing an article for my newsletter at my middle school and I need help ASAP... I've read some other articles about religion and politics getting in the way of preventing the bullying but I just can't understand it Answers and … [Read more...] about How is politics and religion getting in the way of schools trying to prevent anti-gay bullying?
How does the government monitor and check for unemployment check fraud?
djbod2006: How does the government monitor and check for unemployment check fraud? How does the government make sure you're not collecting an unemployment check from the government, and at the same time working on a job? I know they send out forms you have to fill out stating whether you're working or not, but obviously they would need another … [Read more...] about How does the government monitor and check for unemployment check fraud?
What is a good book about English government and politics?
futurefashiondesiger: What is a good book about English government and politics? Can anyone recommend a good book on government and politics in England? Particularly about government in the 70s and the Thatcher period? Answers and Views: Answer by Teleprompter MessiahLondonistan-Melanie Phillips … [Read more...] about What is a good book about English government and politics?
ari_blink143: Government..? What are values that should be important to a government? what problems do governments face? and how do laws benefit a nation's citizens? Answers and Views: Answer by willys56cj5Blue Tellitubbie. … [Read more...] about Government..?