Dot -Xoxo: How do you say: "They both suffer for their love." in french? How do you say: "They both suffer for their love." in french? Answers and Views: Answer by morsecgiIls tous les deux souffrent pour leur Babelfish isn't exact :-( Answer by CASANOVTous deux souffrent pour leur amour is th exact translation, … [Read more...] about How do you say: “They both suffer for their love.” in french?
How can I find assistance for a family in need?
Maria Gallercia: How can I find assistance for a family in need? OK, here's the scoop: My friend is physically disabled due to a work-related injury when she worked as a CNA, and her health is not very good at all. She is borderline diabetic and she was on the verge of having a stroke and a heart attack the day before Easter. Essentially she is … [Read more...] about How can I find assistance for a family in need?
Do you beileve that teenagers can fall in “love”?
Kristian: Do you beileve that teenagers can fall in "love"? Personally, I do, and I am not saying that because I am a teenager myself. I know some teenagers think that they are in "love" within minutes, hours, or days in a relationship, and I can see why people are convinced that teenagers cannot be in love. Do you believe that teenagers can be in … [Read more...] about Do you beileve that teenagers can fall in “love”?
How to major in history and minor in a more specific history area?
Stephanie: How to major in history and minor in a more specific history area? I want to major in history and then minor in a more specific area, maybe Native American studies, or the Tudors, I still don't know. Anyways, what classes would I take in college? I want to work in a museum or historical site so what would I need to do in college and how … [Read more...] about How to major in history and minor in a more specific history area?
How do you initiate a friendship?
Repost: How do you initiate a friendship? I can hardly remember how I made any of my friends. But I didn't go out to initiate friendships. How do you become friends with someone? I routinely talk to several people because we have common interests but I do not know how to convert that into friendship. Any tips? It's in a college setting, by the … [Read more...] about How do you initiate a friendship?
lilindsey: book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? how do you publish a book?Please write step after step Answers and Views: Answer by KariWhy don't you do a bit of research first. There is a LOT to get to that point of actually being chosen to be published. It really isn't a step by step procedure that gets you there. Research, and … [Read more...] about book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
How do I say and pronounce “Happy New Year” in farsi?
: How do I say and pronounce "Happy New Year" in farsi? Answers and Views: Answer by PerezGonzalezُسال نو مبارک 'saː.le / 'n oʊ / moː.baː.'ræk Answer by ニッキー °¤ »--» The Soul to the Airسال نو مبارک saale no mobaarak "aa" as in "a" in "car" "e" as in "e" in "edit" "o" az in "o" in "cold" "a" as in "a" in "hand"Answer by Anuj GandhiYou … [Read more...] about How do I say and pronounce “Happy New Year” in farsi?