Ghost: What breed and height of horse would be good for me? I'm about five foot one, weigh 149 pounds (about 11 stone) and i've been riding for a while. I like horses with a fun and firey temperment and I am willing to put time into breaking a horse. I ride english and I am interested in working on the show jumping discipline. What breed and … [Read more...] about What breed and height of horse would be good for me?
How do you speed up an un-enthusiastic pony?
Sassy: How do you speed up an un-enthusiastic pony? I have a pony who is fit and has no problems, how would i get him to go faster and more willingly? Answers and Views: Answer by christina rosespurs … [Read more...] about How do you speed up an un-enthusiastic pony?
What do you look for when choosing a kitten?
Knight of Malta: What do you look for when choosing a kitten? I will be visiting my local shelter/humane society next week to look for a kitten and want one that is very well socialized and friendly. Eight years ago I got a sweet kitten from the pound (I still have him and he's neutered), but he tends to be the nervous type and is a little shy … [Read more...] about What do you look for when choosing a kitten?
How do you go about finding a gardening club to join?
melouofs: How do you go about finding a gardening club to join? I am pretty new to the world of gardening, and I'd love to join a group where I can learn from fellow gardeners and get together, etc...the only problem is that I haven't a clue as to how to go about finding such a group. I live in Scranton, PA. I've googled it every way I could think … [Read more...] about How do you go about finding a gardening club to join?
What would you do if you could get an interest only loan for $500,000??
Link_The_World: What would you do if you could get an interest only loan for 0,000?? I am thinking about buying a $ 50,000 Saleen Mustang and a $ 450,000 house and renting out the house. What do you think? What would you do?? To the 3rd guy.... Really you would try to make more money at your job? You dont say! Now why didnt I think of that! … [Read more...] about What would you do if you could get an interest only loan for $500,000??
Bird house building what is the best wood to use for custom home design houses?
notredameswimmer: Bird house building what is the best wood to use for custom home design houses? I am looking to build a custom bird house for my friend for a house warming gift (I know clever!). I want to have an exact match of the house. But i do not know what wood to use for the main of the house and the details? Answers and Views: Answer … [Read more...] about Bird house building what is the best wood to use for custom home design houses?
Does anyone know the best gardening tools to buy?
Lukas Bryson: Does anyone know the best gardening tools to buy? Trying to start a halfway decent garden, so is there a particular type of gardening glove that's better than any-old glove? What about a root-puller-upper for weeding? I guess I just don't know what a professional gardener would use as their "hammer and nails" if that makes any sense. … [Read more...] about Does anyone know the best gardening tools to buy?