Lisa: How long should I wait to get another kitten if I just had a kitten that contracted FIP? I had a kitten that had to be put to sleep because he contracted Feline Infectious Peritonitis. I'd like to get another kitten but I've gotten 3 different waiting periods from vets. One vet said 30 days, the second vet said 6 months and another said 1 … [Read more...] about How long should I wait to get another kitten if I just had a kitten that contracted FIP?
What is the cooking social where you cook meals for a month?
Yvelise: What is the cooking social where you cook meals for a month? I had read about a cooking 'class' where you can meet with other people, you all cook lots of food in one evening (enough to last a month or a week) and you take home your food and freeze it and then use it for the next month or so. What is the name of this? Has anyone … [Read more...] about What is the cooking social where you cook meals for a month?
What breed dog would be suitable for indoor living, and be ok left home alone a full workday a few times a wee?
aquitaine2004: What breed dog would be suitable for indoor living, and be ok left home alone a full workday a few times a wee? I want to adopt a dog but I'm not sure which kind would be best to get...I live in an apartment so I would want a relatively small dog and I work full time so the dog/dogs would be left at home for eight hours at a time … [Read more...] about What breed dog would be suitable for indoor living, and be ok left home alone a full workday a few times a wee?
How much faster can I bike on a racing bike than on a mountain bike?
: How much faster can I bike on a racing bike than on a mountain bike? I biked a 10.6 mile loop in 36 minutes, which is a little under 18 mph on my mountain bike. How many mph faster can i average if i were to ride on a road racing bike for the same loop? Answers and Views: Answer by John MYou should see a 2 mph … [Read more...] about How much faster can I bike on a racing bike than on a mountain bike?
How to mountain bike up in the mountains?
Mason: How to mountain bike up in the mountains? What kind of bike should I need to bike up in the mountains in the snow? It would be mainly snow, dirt, and mud. How much would it cost? How old do you have to be? How fit should you be? Answers and Views: Answer by [email protected] thing first you will need a good mountain bike … [Read more...] about How to mountain bike up in the mountains?
What happends if a quaker parrot swallows a nose stud of your face?
Lila: What happends if a quaker parrot swallows a nose stud of your face? I came up to give my quaker parrot a kiss and she stole my fake nose stud (from claires) off my face.Should i be worried? Answers and Views: Answer by hallowsweetsI would be worried. Take him to the vet now, as it will still be in his crop. The vet should be able to … [Read more...] about What happends if a quaker parrot swallows a nose stud of your face?
How to adjust cooking times for multiple dishes?
Das ist mein fluch: How do I adjust cooking times for multiple dishes? I'll be cooking the turkey at 325. We have a few dishes that call for a temperature of 350. How do I adjust the cooking times so I can cook it at 325? Answers and Views: Answer by Dottie RBake the other items a little longer. Such as if it called for 30 minutes at 350, I … [Read more...] about How to adjust cooking times for multiple dishes?