lonconlonton: How to view friends' answer to each question in your Facebook quiz? I created a quiz on Facebook (not the "How well do you know me" quiz). I want to view my friends' answer to each question in that quiz, not only the final result. Is there any way to do that? Answers and Views: Answer by nicethinker2020just ask them ;) … [Read more...] about How to view friends’ answer to each question in your Facebook quiz?
What’s the difference between Quantum Computing VS Molecular Computing?
: What's the difference between Quantum Computing VS Molecular Computing? I know little bit about quantum computing though....that it can calculate much faster than traditional computers and can perform more than one task at the same time. It can also calculate any number between 1 and 0, not just 1 and 0. Most importantly, it calculates all that … [Read more...] about What’s the difference between Quantum Computing VS Molecular Computing?
cj: facebook............? sometimes when im checking my facebook, in my notifications sometimes it says that someone accepted my friend request when i know i didnt send them one. Why is that? Answers and Views: Answer by Teciayou probably did and just forgot u sent it 2 them because dat happen 2 me alot Answer by ÀBÕMÎNÃTÌÖNWell, that … [Read more...] about facebook…………?
How to remove a quiz result from my facebook profile?
Ayesha: How to remove a quiz result from my facebook profile? I took a quiz long back and added the result to my profile. Now I wanna remove it. How should I do this? Please help! Answers and Views: Answer by Angelgo to profile press remove Answer by kaleygo to older posts on your wall in the profile page then press REMOVEAnswer by … [Read more...] about How to remove a quiz result from my facebook profile?
What laptop do you recommend for everyday use?
Niv B: What laptop do you recommend for everyday use? What laptop do you recommend for everyday use? I would like the public input on a laptop. I have had a Toshiba Satellite for 5-6 years and its days are over and I’m looking for a new one. The Sony Laptops look sweet and then there is the HP and Dell which I think are almost the same. I … [Read more...] about What laptop do you recommend for everyday use?
How do I contact facebook administrator as there is an underaged child with a facebook account to be disabled?
Liz Davis: How do I contact facebook administrator as there is an underaged child with a facebook account to be disabled? My grandaughter has set up a facebook account she is underaged. She did not set it up from my computer but that of her fathers. Please contact me with a telephone number and I will provide names etc. Her account needs to be … [Read more...] about How do I contact facebook administrator as there is an underaged child with a facebook account to be disabled?
Spam mail is there ever a way to completely remove?
Dottie: Spam mail is there ever a way to completely remove? I've noticed that my principal email has a lot of spam (false advertisements,banks,etc). I do not remove it at times because I am tired of the same thing. Does anyone know how to stop spam? Answers and Views: Answer by Ed AtunYahoo claims that they stopped over 500 million spam … [Read more...] about Spam mail is there ever a way to completely remove?