anonarron: Is Facebook a vital part of communicating and making friends these days? I have deleted my Facebook account a long time ago and I have lost contact with a lot of people and no one ever seems to contact me anymore. This has made me question if a social networking account is as vital as having a mobile phone these days if you're young … [Read more...] about Is Facebook a vital part of communicating and making friends these days?
How would you promote a music networking community forum? How would you promote a music networking community forum? This is music networking community for music lovers, artists and anyone who is interested in music. Getting better as a writer or an artist can be a daunting task, but its much easier to succeed if you can benefit from the experiences of other artists and music fans … [Read more...] about How would you promote a music networking community forum?
What is the biggest difference between Twitter and your status in Facebook?
Jordy: What is the biggest difference between Twitter and your status in Facebook? Trying to figure out Twitter, but I don't see the practical difference between twitter and just updating your status on Facebook. Answers and Views: Answer by gorantwitter is bigger than my fb status Answer by Time Todiebecause twitter is for tools and … [Read more...] about What is the biggest difference between Twitter and your status in Facebook?
What age group is cartoon network targeting to?
Kevin: What age group is cartoon network targeting to? I am writing a paper on my favorite cartoon character and I would like to know in general what is cartoon networks targeted age group. Answers and Views: Answer by neptali_floresPreferably toddler to teenage. But you can include adults too. Answer by Resolute & IndescisiveAge 7 and … [Read more...] about What age group is cartoon network targeting to?
: Twitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? I am kinda new on twitter and I want some followers!!follow me @Namra_Wajid and I will follow you back!! Answers and Views: Answer by ashleeDon't ever post something like this ever again. This is not a question Answer by Ay-beeSo follow people and they will follow back? if you like a certain … [Read more...] about Twitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Barbara S: myspace?!?!?!?!?!? i see on other peoples myspace that, you make a "click here" thing and i wanna know how to do that? Answers and Views: Answer by Jasmineuse the link codes Answer by Dawanna J … [Read more...] about myspace?!?!?!?!?!?
How could a neighborhood use Twitter for crime/safety alerts and prevention?
Greg G: How could a neighborhood use Twitter for crime/safety alerts and prevention? Looking for specific examples on how neighbors could use a service like Twitter to improve safety/security? For example, send a Tweet if a suspicious person is spotted along with location, etc. Other examples? Well, since learning that only one person can tweet … [Read more...] about How could a neighborhood use Twitter for crime/safety alerts and prevention?