David c. Mullins: What is the right seo price for a website? Hello, I am starting a website for my local business. What is the right seo price for a website? Answers and Views: Answer by Richie HOn page seo or Offpage seo? First one is easy you can do it your own with little research 2nd one defends on keywords Answer by aroonEverthing … [Read more...] about What is the right seo price for a website?
How to remove facebook friends phone numbers from my phone contact list?
Kristen: How to remove facebook friends phone numbers from my phone contact list? I have an android phone and all of my facebook friends phone numbers are showing up in my phone. I looked online previously, and it said to "uncheck" facebook under your people settings, which I did, but they are all still showing up. Any one else have the same issue … [Read more...] about How to remove facebook friends phone numbers from my phone contact list?
missee: Facebook??? I just got on Facebook and I am wondering how do you see peoples profiles? Answers and Views: … [Read more...] about Facebook???
What can i do if someone admitted to hacking my myspace and reading my personal messages?
KelliL: What can i do if someone admitted to hacking my myspace and reading my personal messages? My husbands ex wife admited hackiing in my myspace and myspace im and read my perosnal messages and i copied them so i could prove who did this what can i do can i report them to myspace and report them to the police? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about What can i do if someone admitted to hacking my myspace and reading my personal messages?
How to connect wired internet to a skytex 7 laptop?
Taeler: How to connect wired internet to a skytex 7 laptop? I just got this skytex laptop for my 15 birthday and I wanted to hook it up to my wired internet. I plugged the cable into into it and nothing happened. My computer wouldn't connect to the internet. The thing that doesn't makes sense to my is tha t my dad's laptop still will connect to … [Read more...] about How to connect wired internet to a skytex 7 laptop?
How can I switch myspace to a music one?
Юля〶♥: How can I switch my myspace from a regular myspace to a music one? I have a myspace but I want to switch it over to an artists myspace. How can I do this? Answers and Views: Answer by AshleyReneeYou Can't. Your going to have to make another myspace. Just copy all of your codes Etc. over. Then add all of your friends onto that page … [Read more...] about How can I switch myspace to a music one?
How do i change friendship groups without being so obvious?
Twinkle Toes -x: How do i change friendship groups without being so obvious? I am absolutely sick of my friendship group, it's gone through the drain. There are gossiping behind peoples backs and bad things said. My best friends says a load of crap behind another friends back and then talks about how much she hates her and then she tells me she is … [Read more...] about How do i change friendship groups without being so obvious?