sweet thang: Fashion...............................................................? Fashion is important for teenagers we all know that but why?? Positive answers please? Reasons why teenagers must do fashion. Answers and Views: Answer by JalisaI think your fashion is what defines you. according to the way some people dress it can tell what … [Read more...] about Fashion………………………………………………………?
What is the difference between pret a porter and haute couture fashion?
Lisa: What is the difference between pret a porter and haute couture fashion? Answers and Views: Answer by ACWHaute couture fashion is usually one of a kind piece, hand sown and perfect fit made for you. (expensive) Ready to wear is more of a line made in different sizes and not as expensive because it is more factory made. Answer by … [Read more...] about What is the difference between pret a porter and haute couture fashion?
How can I get information about upcoming fashion shows in Dallas?
cutie: How can I get information about upcoming fashion shows in Dallas? Im so into fashion. I was wondering if anyone knew any web site or anywere i could go to get information about fashion shows in Dallas, Tx. Answers and Views: Answer by Rainbowgoogle em' … [Read more...] about How can I get information about upcoming fashion shows in Dallas?
How tall do fashion figures have to be for portfolios to show to a Fashion College?
~anonymous~: How tall do fashion figures have to be for portfolios to show to a Fashion College? I know they have to be 10 heads but do they have to be a certain amount of inches tall to be good enough for fashion schools? I want to make a portfolio and I like to draw my figures about 9" or 10 " tall, but is that good enough? Do I need them to be … [Read more...] about How tall do fashion figures have to be for portfolios to show to a Fashion College?
Fashion Show Video where the little boys start doing the harlem shake?
Kenzie: Fashion Show Video where the little boys start doing the harlem shake? My sisters and I used to watch a video of three or four young boys in a fashion show. They randomly start dancing and it is hillarious. We think two of there names are damien and xavier. PLEASE HELP FIND THIS! Answers and Views: Answer by Kevinsurf FTV.com and look … [Read more...] about Fashion Show Video where the little boys start doing the harlem shake?
baby gurl: FaShion!!!? What are your favorite store/namebrands? Websites would be very helpful. Exspecially dress shops online. Answers and Views: Answer by srhwhtnyyour mall's website Answer by ginkalulaEbay, your online source for EVERYTHING. seriously i'm not kiddingAnswer by hye_achik93Overall I think most … [Read more...] about FaShion!!!?
How to prepare for my first fashion show?
Alina: How to prepare for my first fashion show? I am 12 going on 13 and about to be in my first fashion show, for African-style fashions. I wear glasses, though, and I have a little extra belly fat, and bad posture. How can I get ready for my first time in the modeling world? Also, how can I get farther than this first (professional) fashion … [Read more...] about How to prepare for my first fashion show?