~anonymous~: How tall do fashion figures have to be for portfolios to show to a Fashion College?
I know they have to be 10 heads but do they have to be a certain amount of inches tall to be good enough for fashion schools? I want to make a portfolio and I like to draw my figures about 9″ or 10 ” tall, but is that good enough? Do I need them to be afew inches taller? Or does it not even matter because they already have the right proportions? Please help me… ^_^ give as much info as you can, thanks soooo much!
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Answer by Tristy C
im not a fashion major but i attended an art school with a huge fashion program. all the model drawings ive seen from the fashion majors are just about that size ( they all fit nicely on a 9.5×11 piece of paper), so i’d say youre doing it right. as long as youve got the right proportions, just give yourself enough space where you can comfortably show your design talent! good luck!
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