J.Esteban37: How can I become a proffessional soccer player?
Well im 13 and i’m a pretty good soccer player. I was just wondering if its too late to play soccer at professional level. If its not, how can i become a professional. I know i have to practice, and practice but what are some tips to get noticed or something.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Drew L
If you are in the states, work on getting on the best club in your state, getting on ODP teams, playing at the highest level you can.
Answer by *Bananaaa~Duckiie*
you dont have to go in a team to be good you just basicly need to practice practice practice!! but wat i do is i watch soccer games or see turtorials on youtube so i can learn new stuff and watch how others do it:) i dont play in a team but im one of those soccer girls at school so yeah:)
Answer by 80ist
Go to games and talk to the coaches before or after the match.
Play with big guys in the park to harden.
Practice against a high blind wall at school or at a factory on sunday and draw a square or circle as target then shoot from various distances and angles.
Sprint as fast as u can. Attackers need speed.
Jump rope so u can head high balls.
There is a lot u can do on ur own.
Gathers boys and girls in ur street to play on a vacant land or the park then go together to a soccer field and ask if u can show ur skills and be allowed on a team.
Answer by alexbug:)
get into club soccer, play high school soccer, junior year apply for the NACC pakcet to play college and that year upload a video on youtube of your skills
Answer by NZer09
Its not too late yet, no where near. Im 15 almost 16 and have started recently, was always real good at soccer and I reckon I can make it. Im training 4 hours a day. Reps and all that helps you get noticed, try to get in the best team you can, but the key is just be good enough and dont be afraid to put yourself out there. Eg, ask if you can go to adults training, even though it might be awkward at first. Also, don’t get discouraged if you dont make the best team straight away, especially if you think you are good enough, coz you probably are. Just make sure that next time, you are sooo good that they MUST pick you. Go on my profile and look at the question I asked about being a pro footballer and that should give you an idea.
Answer by telewheelsmike
I am a neighbor of Carly Lloyd (US Woman’s Team, game winning Gold Medal goal in Olympics in Beijing). I also coach in one of the programs she played in at your age.
She was not planning to continue playing as a pro after college .. so you have plenty of time.
In addition to continuing to play on a team, you need to work on personal skills with a real trainer – not a club coach or trainer, a professional trainer.
Club and school coaches rarely teach important individual skills, because at that level their responsibility to is to win matches this season, not to train players for advancement.
I know that some people will disagree. If they do, they do not understand the higher levels of the game.I coach at a fairly high level, and this is the truth once you get out of rec or kiddie soccer.
Once you have solid skills, fitness is the next goal. You need a professional trainer again to help you with this.
When looking for a trainer, be sure to pick someone with professional soccer experience on his resume. Again, high school and most college level trainers are not going to get you where you need to be.
When picking a team to play on, you want to be on the highest level team THAT YOU WILL GET MAXIMUM PLAYING TIME … sitting on the bench, just to say you are on a top 5 state team, will not get you any benefits beyond mom and dad bragging.
Remember after all of this, there are no guarentees. Not everyone has all of the componenets to be a professional athlete. Determination is not enough to make it to the level that you want to be at. Strength and speed are important … but you must have real speed and real strength .Your body needs to hold up (Many aspiring players find out that their bodies just can’t take the level of training – i.e. knees, ankle, hips), plus, not everyone has the neurological abiklties of exceptional coordination, balance, vision depth, etc.
It is great to be good at something. Good luck.
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