Mr. Quimby: What can my pregnant wife do to work from home?
My wife would like to help make some extra money and would like to know what she can do. It can’t be anything with vigorous activity or leaving the house that often.
No scams please(that means if it involves coming up with a list of names to send money out to, selling for wholesale companies on ebay, having anything to do with making money by post ads on websites, etc.)
Something legit, we aren’t looking to be rich in 24 hours, just a job to supplement our income not replace it.
Answers and Views:
Answer by ibu guru
Unless her current work and current employer are amenable to telecommuting, there are no “jobs” she can do at home. No wages, no salary, no jobs!
She would have to start her own business. So what is her education, experience, expertise, skills, talents, training, etc? And how much capital does she have to invest in starting it up? If she is a CPA, she could go out and line up a couple of clients to do their weekly bookwork from home, for example. But she would have to obtain clients. So what can she do?
Answer by InspectorBudget
Unless your wife has a unique marketable skill, your chances of getting a WAH job is extremely small.
Most WAH jobs come about because an individual builds up tenure & trust in an office job over a period of time, and because of an event like pregnancy or disability, can request to perform the job from home for a few months.
Some jobs, like a sales manager for a territory, have no home office, so the individual works from home. but these jobs require extensive traveling to cover the territory, so it certainly is not a sitting in front of the computer type of job.
There are no such things as jobs created for “work at home” exclusively – if anyone tries to push this, it is a scam.
Answer by ms.b
there is a program that is legit and she can do it on line its like avon but better its called SMC at or she could just sell avon or tupperware!
Answer by Batya
There are a lot of scam work at home jobs.
Please do your research and only then – start.
The best work at home I suggest is the one that will benefit you tomorrow from the job you do today which is using affiliate marketing programs.
You can find free and reliable ones – Here is something working for me:
you can join for free, It is a reliable one and paid me 5 times already.
For more info write to my e-mail:
Good luck
Answer by CutiePie
Honestly, I would not recommend anything you would find online or that people recommend. The best way is if that is an option with her present company or a company she is interesting in working for. A lot of companies don’t require people to be in the office 24/7 bc they can pay less for office space. She may be able to find a career job that she only has to go in once or twice a week.
Answer by Mekein
Hi found a great blog for you to check out and read, its pretty informative and talks about some of the proven online money making sites..
Answer by Mr. and Mrs.
i work from home and its not very vigorous or anything. i wish i would have known about it when i was pregnant! its not a get rich quick thing either. it can eventually take over your job if you work hard at it, but its really great at just doing a little bit of supplementing. its not sales, or parties, or inventory or any of that crazy annoying stuff. i dont want to go spamming it up in here, but you can check it out at if you think its something that sounds like what you need.
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