Forrest Gump: Obama…………………….…?
I come from England, today i saw some news Live today of Obama signing that health thing hes been fighting for for so long.
Why are so many people against it? Whats the good and bad things about it? is it like the free health care in Britain now?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Steve
No. It’s nothing like health care in the U.K. Forrest.
All private insurance companies and private hospitals will continue as always. In fact, insurance company stocks jumped after the bill was passed.
Answer by GREAT WHITE HUNTER 3.1If you were really from England you would understand ENGLISH and you wouldn’t have to ask.Answer by Sugar
They do not know much about it .Many have false beliefs.Answer by an aon bd
All this talk that I hear about health care and how bad it is really is pissing me off. Everyone is whining about what’s going on but I don’t see any bloody solutions anywhere. America is full of people who love to whine and moan and complain all day about things some of them couldn’t possible fathom understanding. I think it’s because it’s going to be manditory to pay for it, and people don’t like the idea that they must pay for something. Yet they pay for auto insurance, unemployment insurance, social security, paid time off, and a long list of other things they probably don’t even realise. I bet if Americans cut half of their habits such as super expensive coffee and smoking, healthcare wouldn’t seem nearly as expensive.Answer by Rachel
ok, im from the states, and to put the record straight, when someone asks a legit question, why do some of you prefer to be rude instead of just answering the question? I live here and im not sure how this will affect us, as far as cutting out our coffee and cigarettes, please tell me what on earth that has to do with health reform. sorry i couldnt give you better information about your question, it’s just that I don’t have all of the facts in to say yes it’s good or no it’s not, i guess we will just have to wait and see, I’m sure it will help those who normally wouldn’t have insurance , so that’s a good thing, but i don’t know the drawbacks. Sorry I couldn’t help you more, have a great day, rach:)
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