bradsky73: My wife grabbed a goldfish out of the tank and threw it at our child?
Last night my wife told our little boy jimmy to wash his hands and get ready for dinner. Jimmy having heard a joke form school being a little boy said to my wife “Mum your so fat you have to iron your pants in the driveway” to which my wife said Jimmy, you say that again and i’m going to hurt something you love.
Jimmy then said “mumma you’re carrying more pounds than the english stock exchange.” So my wife stuck her hand in the fish tank grabbed jimmys favourite gold fish flipper and threw flipper at his head.
Jimmy started crying and my wife stood on flipper sqaused him into the ground and said, “there now jimmy, now there’s is something to really cry about”
What should I do about this?
Jimmy just through a glass of coke at his mum and she picked him up and threw him over the couch
Jimmy has been placed in intensive care. My wife told jimmy to wash his mouth out with soap…We weren’t watching when jimmy did it but he grabbed one of those little motel soaps and accidentally swallowed it.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Wetdreamdiver
Teach your boy how to catch…or keep his mouth closed.
Answer by Winter Blossum
wow that’s messed up.your wife has some problems..
Answer by Carolyn C
You have two issues to deal with here…
The first being your insolent bratty son. Why on earth does he think he can speak like that to his mother??? He needs to be taught how to respect people. How old is this spawn of satan??
Secondly your wife needs therapy. She thinks that the way to get people to do what she wants is to hurt them or something they love? My God, the damage she is doing to your kids.
You need a family therapist and QUICK!!
Answer by MultipleMiggs
What she did was extremely abusive, if that cow was a man, everyone would tell the woman to take the kid and get out. If I were in your position, I’d leave. Your son shouldn’t be subjected to that kind of abuse, your wife is a freak, who knows what she’ll do next. Protect your son.
Answer by Rocking out everiday
Your child should not learn these things from school so jus give him a telling off or go to the school and find the culprit and tell your son it is a bad influence, and teach your son some respect
Answer by In Another Life
Jimmy had better do what his mom says without complaining and the mom had better not kill another goldfish. She should replace the fish and quite acting like a dramatic goonbrain! And Jimmy should be punished, but in a different way like “no tv for a week” or something like that.
Answer by boricua_2290
LOL laugh because is funny, sorry but the little boy had it coming sometimes kids have to learn that words hurt more than anything, he hurts his mother’s feelings and those words hurt more when they come out of someone who you love unconditionally and they should love you the same..So little Jimmy would think twice now before he hurts his mother’s feelings again won’t he? get him another fish and he will make sure he choose his words carefully next time he jokes with mom..
Answer by answerman288
first smack your son for being a disrespectful little sob. Then send your wife for some serious counseling. it sounds like she has some serious issues that need working out. But you also need to convey to your son that he better show some respect to his parents. If I ever said something like that to my mom my dad would knock the snot out of me
Answer by gabeymac♥≈
No, you’re not serious! That’s horrible. Is there a reason for her to have anger issues? I guess just have a long talk with her. Has she had these outbursts before? She may need proffessional help.Your son was wrong to disrespect her but sometimes kids think things are funny and don’t realize words hurt.
Answer by Cantor2002
OMG, that is something your little boy will remember for the rest of his life I am sure. What a horrible story of abuse. Little boys will say silly things, it’s not like he meant them. He probably didn’t know what any of it meant. Your wife should have realized that. If my child would have said that to me I would have died laughing. Is she not too self confident? Have any anger issues? Those are the only two reasons I could think of that would make her act that way. In which case she needs a little help overcoming those. Unbelievable
Answer by Pedro the lawnboy
Buy him a kitten and see what she can do with it. That’ll teach him.
Answer by lifeofthepartyyea
your boy needs to stop his girly crying. he should have called his mother out…a good fist fight is great family therapy.
Answer by earnhardt3_8forever
Wow. If this a first time experience? Does your wife act like this all the time towards the child?
If it’s a first time experience, you need to just have a talk with your wife. She may have been having a bad day, be overly stressed or suffering PMS. Sounds like she was a little hurt at what the boy said and over reacted in a very bad way.
If this is a constant treatment of your son, then you need to take some time to evaluate the relationship between your son and your wife. Do you need family conseling?
The fact is you cannot have this happening. Have a heart to heart with your wife and go from there. Something may be bothering her and she is lashing out at the innocent child instead of channeling it correctly.
Answer by Penny A
Jimmy needs to learn to shut his mouth and be respectful to his mother for starters, that way he wont drive his mother to harm poor innocent animals!
Your wife was definitely savage by killing that poor little fish, but Jimmy needs to be pulled into line quick smart.
Best wishes, Penny xx
Answer by ideally_rational
Seek counseling for your obsession with fat jokes.
Answer by Revelations
It is important for men to remember that as women start getting older it becomes harder for them to maintain the same quality of housekeeping as when they were younger. When you notice this, try not to yell at them. Some are oversensitive and there ain’t nothing worse then an oversensitive woman.
Let me relate how I handled the situation with my
wife. When I was laid off from my consulting job and took “early
retirement” in April, it became necessary for her to get a full-time
job, both for extra income and for the health benefits that we needed.
Shortly after she started working I noticed she was beginning to show
her age. I usually get home from the Golf Course about the same time
she gets home from work. Although she knows how hungry I am, she
almost always says she has to rest for half an hour or so before she
starts dinner. I don’t yell at her. Instead, I tell her to take her
time and just wake me when she gets dinner on the table. I generally
have lunch in the Men’s Grill at the club so eating out is not
reasonable. I’m ready for some home cooked grub when I hit that
She used to do the dishes as soon as we finished eating. But now,
it’s not unusual for them to sit on the table for several hours after
dinner. I do what I can by diplomatically reminding her several times
each evening that they won’t clean themselves. I know she appreciates
this, as it does seem to motivate her to get them done before she goes
to bed.
I really think my old business as a consultant helps a lot. I consider
telling people what they ought to do one of my strong points…
Now that she has gotten older, she does seem to get tired so much more
quickly. Our washer and dryer are in the basement. Sometimes she says
she just can’t make another trip down those steps. I don’t make a big
issue of this; as she finishes up the laundry the next evening, I’m
willing to overlook it. Not only that, but unless I need something
ironed to wear to the Monday lodge meeting, or to Wednesday’s or
Saturday’s poker club, or to Tuesday’s or Thursday’s bowling, or
something like that, I will tell her to wait until the next evening to
do the ironing. This gives her a little more time to do some of those
odds and ends like shampooing the dog, vacuuming or dusting.
The other day I had a really good round on the course but it was wet
and muddy so my clubs were a mess, so I let her clean them, you
know…..get the grit off the grips and a little light Brillo on the
club faces at a casual pace. My golf bag is heavy so I lift it out of
the trunk for her. Women are delicate, have weak wrists and can’t lift
heavy stuff as good as men. But I did tell her I don’t like to be
wakened during my after golf nap, so rather then bother me, she can
put them back in the trunk when she’s finished.
Another symptom of aging is complaining, I think. For example, she
will say that it is difficult for her to find time to pay the monthly
bills during her lunch hour. We take’em for better or worse,
so I just smile and offer encouragement. I tell her to stretch it out
over two or even three days. That way she won’t have to rush so much.
I also remind her that missing a lunch completely now and then
wouldn’t hurt her any (if you know what I mean). I like to think tact
is one of my strong points.
When doing simple jobs, she seems to think she needs more rest
periods. She had to take a break when she was only half finished
mowing the yard. I try not to make a scene.
I’m a fair man. I tell her to fix herself a nice, big, cold glass of
freshly squeezed lemonade and just sit for a while. And, as long as
she is making one for herself, she may as well make one for me too,
then take her break by my hammock. That way she can talk with me until
I fall asleep.
I know that I probably look like a saint in the way I support my wife. I’m
not saying that showing this much consideration is easy. Many men will
find it difficult. Some will find it impossible! Nobody knows better
than I do, how frustrating women get as they get older.
However, guys, even if you just use a little more tact and less
criticism of your wife because of this article, I will consider
that writing it was well worthwhile. After all, we are put on this
earth to help each other…
Answer by MiRaNdA rOsE
maybe now your son has learned one to respect his elders and 2 to respect peoples feelings, to think before he speaks
Answer by The Sylvan Wizard
Call the Police! She is being abusive, or, go to the Fish Market and buy a 25 lb. trout and throw it at her, and ask her how she liked it!
Answer by Jesse N
I dont know if this is really sad or really funny. So right now it is just Sunny. But get the kid a new fish, hit her in the mouth lol not really. Talk to her and let her know she is nuts, then talk to ur boy and say…moms crazy dude
Answer by Tiffany
I’m sorry but this story was hilarious. It actually made my morning. In my opinion your wife crossed the line. Although your son said some jokes that were so nice…i’m sure that he was just playing. Your wife has serious anger issues that needs some attention. Kids will be kids and they can sometimes say things that they really don’t mean. I hope she replaces that gold fish.
Answer by Tonya R
If this is true,they should arrest her for abuse and you for complicity. You sat back and watched it happen and knew you should have done something about it (hence, your question “what should I do about this”). Now log off and go the the bobby station.
Answer by Janet M
This is a form of passive agressive parenting. Why didn’t your wife just say, “Jimmy, that’s rude and unkind. Stop saying things like that’? Family counseling for everyone! It needs to include some serious attention to your wife’s feelings of powerlessness and autonomy issues, anger management, and parenting skills for both parents. If you saw all of this, why didn’t you do something to help your wife get the kid to mind? If your wife is fat, then who else in the house makes remarks about her weight?
Answer by melanie j
your family needs to be in counseling.. you as the father why did you not put a stop to such actions?
Answer by newmom
Telling the fat jokes was probably not such a good idea but what kind of mother tells her son that she is going to hurt something he loves?!? And then killing the fish!!! OMG!!!
She needs SERIOUS counseling and fast.
There is just something not right with a person (especially a mom) killing any animal just to be mean.
It would have been much better if she had told him that saying that was hurtful and not acceptable and not to do it again.
You really better get her some help, FAST!!!
She is obviously unstable. What (or who) is she going to hurt next???
Answer by LdynRed
I must be honest ….. Stop what here, don’t log off……..You as his father should pick your son up (don’t throw him joking) but all I can say is Pick him up..and Run …. Its just gets worse
Answer by jstagirl1969
i bet it can get crazy at your house. mom shouldnt have done that. i think you should have intervined before it came to the killing of poor little flipper. i think you all shold all sit down and discuss their behaviors with one another and tell them both that cant happen no more. i would hate to see your wife kill something else. thats your son too!!!
Answer by Quigley
LOL… I’d encourage your son to go into comedy.
Answer by qwertatious
Your wife reminds me of my mother! Haha, it’s not a big deal. He’ll get over it and he’ll learn too. Jimmy shouldn’t have said those things. You’re wife is probably just stressed out from having to deal with a naughty little boy and an indecisive husband, who lets the boy get away with anything because ‘boys will be boys.’ Yea, right! Teach your kid how to be proper and respectful.
Answer by elvlayarvvi
hmmm…many issues here…you need to stand up for your wife…so your son can learn to do the same for his wife when he gets big…also…why is he having coke? Or, was it your or his mom’s glass of coke? hmmm…Jimmy does need to be punished, but, she is a bit extreme…he can be more extreme when he gets big…
Answer by I_Love_McRedneck
Nice joke buddy, you really should find something better to do than tell fat jokes here.
What should you do? Get a life
Answer by freakboynv2000
shut up troll
Answer by Mel R
First of all, stop your child from watching Yo Mama! Not a good show for kids!! second teach him to respect his mom!! Third, the family needs some counselings. Some of what you said is very disturbing!!
Answer by not_moes_cousin
Do you have nothing better to do then post stupid questions about everything but most involve your wife. That or you have the most screwed up family life.
Answer by hanky
Your wife sounds like a psycho, and has probably scarred your son for life.
Answer by young and married
Answer by Just Wondering
Thanks for the points dude, you cant be so dumb as to be on the internet talking about your “wife and child” like this and just watching as she does something like that. YOU PEOPLE NEED TO GET REALLLL>
Answer by I can see
Wow. It’s amazing how many people actually took you seriously. Well done!
Answer by Stefbear
How can you love this woman?! What she did is the same as child abuse! She has a real anger problem. She needs counseling to get through it and learn how to treat people. I am overweight and I tell fat jokes on myself! You have to have a sense of humor. he wasn’t insulting her he heard a joke he was repeating. If I was you I would sit her down and tell her she needs to get into counseling or her anger and poor mothering will cost her dearly. Like you and your son. Poor kid. I bet he was crushed! What a lousy mother. I have 3 sons and no matter what I would never do that to them for any reason.
Answer by guacamoc
I pray you’re joking.
Your wife makes ME wanna cry.
Answer by YEAHthatsRIGHT
You must smash something that the wife loves…like her parents….
Answer by Soliel B
Sounds like a typical night at my house.
Just buy him a new one, that’s that I would do, my mom calls my back yard the pet cemetary because the darn things just seem to “die” all the time.
Answer by happybidz2003
After she threw dinner at you, and now this I think she has a problem. The remarks that your son made were just repeating someone else, unless he is old enough to know that difference, I think your wife has a serious problem, and you need to seek help for her, before she does something serious.
Answer by Fergie
Divorce Her
Answer by Amanda H
Wow your wife really likes to throw things. Last week you said she threw dinner at you, now a goldfish at your son? You must pay someone to clean your house because I would never throw messy stuff around that I had to clean up myself.
Answer by cinderellas
omg lol well idk tell ur son he should not say things like that b/c it can hurt someones feelings
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