shopaholic95: Makeup????????????????????????????????????????
Hey ok so i always see people in magazines with really pretty eyes because somehow they do their eye make up so it really pops out and it is like shiny on the bottom too but does anyone have any tips or makeup suggestion for me??
Answers and Views:
Answer by PeejayButta
I would suggest you check out videos and search “makeup for beginners”. Thats how I Learned!!
Answer by Mikili
its called airbrushing and computer effects. deal with it :). it all fake, our version of beauty is horribly distorted. im sure your beautiful whoever you are. dont compare your self to the 1% of “perfect” people in the world.
Answer by awesomeperson 🙂
well, what i do is mascara, black eyeliner, and a solid, shiny, or glittery eyeshadow 🙂 to get perfect eyes, ur gonna hav to practice 😉 and those people in magazines probably hav people do it for them 😉
hope this helps
Answer by Ellen
One way to make your eyes look bigger and brighter is to use white eyeliner to bring out the whites of your eyes so that the color shows more. It also really helps to rim the inner corners of your eyes (carefully!) with a light-reflecting color, or a shimmery shadow. You should try the new “Eyelights” line that CoverGirl makes. No matter what color your eyes are, they have specific shadows, liners, and even special mascaras that will make your eyes look brighter. I think that when you use them correctly they really can work!! Good luck with the makeup!! 🙂
Answer by Lauren
False eyelashes will instantly give you some glam and this is what most celebs wear on the red carpet. They also like to use Dior eyeshadows too, but you could get the same effect with Covergirl eyeshadows at drugstores. Hope I helped!
Answer by Shannon Was Banned For No Reason
It’s not makeup, it’s photoshop. Makeup may make your eye color more noticeable but it is not going to make it shiny: that’s all photoshop. Have you ever seen any of the celebrities on the red carpet look like they do in magazines (with eyes shingin): yeah, I didn’t think so.
Answer by i LOVE degrassi
black eyeliner and black mascara and maby a gold glittery eyeshadow. thats wat i do
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