Reality: Is there any religion on earth which consider men and women to be equal?
I was just wondering. Many religions claim men are superior to women. Is there any religion which states women are greater than men. At least that they are equal. Why do you think many religions consider men to be superior? Is it because all the founders of the religions happen to be men? If so its time we start our own religion. What do you think?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Waziri
No. Nature itself knows man and woman are not equal
God created nature. That’s why you find..most “religions” show Man and Woman are not equal.
Answer by ByakuyaChristianity does not place men above women. Both have equally important roles in the family. Men don’t lead the family because they’re “better” but because it’s their job.Answer by Boleyn girl
Yes, my culture, Native American…everyone is equal 🙂Answer by The Lady
Because they follow the words of the apostle Paul as if they were the gospels as far as some Christians believe. However, not all Christian churches believe that Paul was speaking for all time and think instead he simply addressed problems of the beginning Christian church.
Jesus himself saw no difference in any people.
Answer by MorgansUSoldestI thought the Jewish religion puts the woman above the men….??? Because the men have like 100 rules to learn but the woman is like 7 or something. Don’t hold me to this…. I have to ask my neighbor again.Answer by Sai
Actually early religions were uniformly matriarchal and uniformly brutal, bloody, and destructive. The transition to patriarchal religions was a transition away from the practice of human sacrifice. To verify the historical truth of this, research preclassical Greece. It’s the truth. What the problem is in modern times is that there has been a pendulum effect. Ancient humans were so glad to be out from under the matriarchal cults wherein people were routinely sacrificed in some seriously awful ways and in substantial numbers that the pendulum swung very far in the opposite direction over the past several thousand years, reaching its apex maybe 200 years ago. Our task in our own times is to come back to center, realize that we don’t need to be gender-cultists any more, and find balance.Answer by Sessy R
Atheist is 1, that is about it.
It’s like that mainly because religion was created by men. (aka, the bible)
Jesus did not agree on this though and had women followers. I bet he would not have opposed a women to be a priest, pope, etc. GOD does not disapprove of this. It WAS men during the times Jesus was around.
(I mean what religion isn’t created by men?)
I bet if Jesus created the bible he would not be like that.
We are not equal but we are equal in value.
I don’t think any religion hates women.
I do not wanna support any religion but look at this pics and you will know what religion it is, again here i state no religion is better then the other, all are same and one have some respect, here are the pics
Honest truth, most religion protects feminity,its just that in the modern times women seems to be losing the real thing and blaming all the guys for it
Answer by jbachooSome see Christianity as a religion, but in fact, God is about having a relationship with man through His Son, Jesus Christ.
In this relationship, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galations 3:28). This means that for those who have accepted and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, gender, ethnicity, and class/status are insignificant. God shows no partiality (Acts 10:34).
The relationship which I speak about is not based on trying to do good works to get to heaven, but by faith. When a person confesses “Jesus Christ is Lord” and believes in the heart that God raised Him from the dead, that individual is saved (Romans 10:9). God will accept you and save you, if you truly believe this and tell it to others (Romans 10:10, Contemporary English Version).
Since God made everything for Himself, man’s ideas of right and wrong are vain from His point of view. There’s a way that seems right to man, but destruction is the end result (Proverbs 14:12).
Our purpose for existence is to develop godly character through the above relationship with God on His terms, and prepare for eternity.
Answer by PamAtheismAnswer by Tracey
Yes, Sikhism teaches absolute equality between women and women.Answer by Rafa-No1
Christianity. male and female were created equally, Jesus stated they were equal, the new testament states they are equal, but some of the disciples got it wrong.Answer by Junie
Many religions find men and women to be equal in value. Very few of them find men and women to be interchangable, however. That is a modern concept, and most religions are older than 50 years or so.
…”and he created them in his image, and he created them male and female…” Which part of that implies that women are less valuable?
Answer by mayumi jI think you are right when you say religions consider man to be superior because the founders are men themselves. But why care about what religions say. In other words what men say. We know the truth. Women gives birth to children, care for them, teach them what is right and what is wrong. Women do lots of sacrifices that men don’t. Today we earn and support our families don’t we. The women of the 21st century is way ahead than man. I mean how many men do we find helping women with house work where as we support the countries economy.Answer by *~* Princess â„¢ *~*
Paganins/wicca is the only religiopn in which we are completely equal.Answer by Eoghan.
We’re all equal in my religion The Church of Big Black Spider. We live we die and ascend to Web, and Big Big Black Spider eats us, equally.Answer by shabazz816
In christianity the bible says “and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” “And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.”
the man had a job to dress the garden of Eden and keep it. Told him to eat of every tree of the garden, but the tree of knowledge of good and evil do not eat.
“And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him.” (Is this equal? / Is this wrong?)
God made animals, but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. God caused Adam to fell asleep and he took one of his ribs and made he a woman, and brought her unto man. GENESIS CHAPTER 2; 23 “And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man.”
This is not saying woman are nothing. This is man loving what God made. So is this WRONG? MAN works WOMAN helps. Is this SUPERIOR? Do you (woman) want to work and us (MAN) help. Do you (WOMAN) want to take care of us (MAN) when we are pregnant?
Do you want to start your own religion so you can be superior and men inferior?
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