agassi8: Is there a good website for the human anatomy?
I like to draw figure art, but not nude art (my morals are against it). I would like to know if there are any good sites to help an artist learn about the human anatomy (for proportions) that doesn’t have any nudity in them?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Dave
Human Anatomy Online
Answer by patricia_correa951
go to chat-avenue that is a good web site
Answer by Kathleen G
See the two following books: Bridgman’s Life Drawing and Albinus on Anatomy. Both do not use photos, but drawings – now Bridgman’s does show the figure, but Albinus includes etchings that were done in the 1800s and include the skeletal and muscular structure, so you can references in great detail. There are also some classes that you can find for life drawing where the model is clothed. I am an artist, studied life drawing for five years – it really is best if you can draw from a live model – someone wearing clothing that is close to their body or not too loose. You need to see muscle definition, placement and proportions to get the truest sense of the figure. You can even ask friends or family to sit for you for practice.
Answer by koolcat
Try searching for an artist by the name of Riven Phoenix.
he has posted hours and hours of free tutorials on you tube on exatly what you are looking for.
He has posted them for free for any one that wants to learn and especially cant afford the classes.
You can also search under structure of man.
good luck
Answer by chanshodi
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