<3 youu 🙂: Is it possible to be born without a clitoris? Serious Answers only?
i just cannot find my clitoris it’s just my urethra and then my vagina.
My question is, is it possible, under rare circumstances, would it be possible to be born without a clitoris? Serious answers only.
Answers and Views:
Answer by ~Miss.Pink~
Doubt it.
You probably just don’t know what it looks like.
Google an image.
The urethra and clitoris are very close together and the urethra is quite small… chances are what you think is the urethra is actually your clitoris 🙂
While it is possible, doctors would have seen it as a medical issue and something would have been done/mentioned about it.
Answer by Billy MThey come in many sizes and configurations – you probably have what’s called a “hooded clitoris”. It’s not a serious problem. You should have a thorough physical exam by a physician when you reach puberty or as close to that time as can be managed…and at that time you can ask the doctor about it. She will be able to reassure you – don’t be afraid to ask; she won’t laugh at you.Answer by mEn7aL
Your clitoris is above your vagina and is little round that looks like a little tiny ball freakish looking but,it does wonders on cuming to the zzzs.
I think you have to discover time now.
Answer by brimhI think your doctors might have noticed something when you were born (or not, I don’t know if they check for a missing clitoris.) Lots of girls actually have trouble finding they’re own clitoris. It’s not in between your urethra and vaginal opening, but in front of your urethra, near where your skin first ‘parts’ into the labia majora. If you feel around that area, you should feel a small bump that is in line with the skin that comes up around the urethra. That is your clitoris.Answer by kitty
hon it’s there! it might be small though… it’s at the top of the lips of your vag… above the urethra…. keep feeling!Answer by Just a Girl
Well probably .0000001 chance of not having one. The clitoris is basically an undeveloped penis. Everyone has either a penis or a small undeveloped penis. You just need to figure out where it is. It is directly over the urethra opening inside the labia lips. You can’t really feel it until you are horny and it swells.Answer by realpleaser
play with it with your finger tip see if you get any pleasure from that
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