Gato: Is it illegal to threaten a spammer by telling them that you will kill them if they continue to harass you?
To me, if someone sends you bulk spam constantly, and your email gets forwarded to your blackberry device, this will lower your quality of life because every few minutes (even when your sleeping) your blackberry will go off and disturb you.
This is severely hurting my quality of life. Would it be wrong to threaten to them with bodily harm via email if they continue?
Answers and Views:
Answer by LT
Go ahead.. let them know they have a working address so you can get more spam.
Answer by ANGEL..<< =]
urrrr yeah!
Answer by Elizabeth A
You can’t threanten anyone that you will kill them, even you found him in bed with your wife, and that is the law.
Don’t hate me. just an expression.
You can put spam blocker . I think yahoo got that. I have two computers. they both have spam blocker.
Some time it is fun when you have spams pop in. When I was writing an email, and here a woman dancing next to your email or a scary face appear to scary the heck out of me, and I just about going to scream then it transform into a beautiful young woman face . And all it takes just a drop of resterland whatever that is.
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