Tina: Is College History a requirement in college to graduate?
Im a sophomore in high school and im taking AP US History. I’m also considering to drop that class to go for just regular History because it’s hard and I really hate it! History is just not my thing. But I’m concerning about having to take it again in college anyway. I’m planning on being a doctor. So should I still take the AP Us History class?
Answers and Views:
Answer by derdaktari
IF you score a 4 or 5 on the History AP test, you MIGHT be able to get credit for it in college. Most colleges have a history class requirement, but some allow poli sci instead…..
wot sorta majer yu plan on at the big U?
Yu get admitted tu a kollej & eech hav its standards.
Many kommon, but sum spesifik tu eech kollej..
If yu sho talent in a partikular line (subjekt) yu kan get in sumweer that speshalize in that feeld.Answer by opiniononly
Many schools offer history courses that go beyond the traditional “American History” or “World History” courses required in high school. You might find courses like ‘The History of Women” or “The History of Native Americans” … you might even find a history course that focuses on medicine!
Your AP course might exempt you from having to take a history course; the regular History course won’t.
You might still have additional credits required in any course with a HIS prefix – and/or additional credits in a social science. Many schools role history and social sciences into one category, so if might be: Take 3 credits of history and 3 additional credits in history or social sciences. AP should take care of the first part of the requirement.
good luck
Answer by ladyrooYou should talk to your guidance counselor.
Yes, you’ll likely have to take history in college…it’s a common general requirement at most schools. Doing well in the AP exam can help get you out of it and so, in the long run, actually reduce the number of history classes you have to take (since you’re going to have to take history anyway in high school).
But more importantly, if you want to become a doctor it’s important that you get into the best college (ie strongest academic program) you can. And to do that, you need to be taking the most challenging courses–in all subjects–you can handle in high school. So talk to your advisor and make sure you’re taking all the future implications of bailing on the class.
Also, why is it hard and why do you hate it? I’m not saying you have to love history or anything, but have you decided you hate the class just because it’s harder than you expected it to be? If you really follow the path to becoming a doctor you’re going to be facing a lot of hard classes and situations, and bailing just because things got difficult isn’t going to cut it. If you really, truly can’t handle the work than I agree, drop down to a level you can handle. But if “too hard” really means that you can’t be bothered to study or try to do well, then perhaps it’s time to work on your study skills and work ethic, something that you’ll absolutely need to get to medical school and become a doctor.
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