Joel: Is a motorcycle a good investment when I already own a car?
I own an old Super Beetle, and a 95 Camaro. I was wondering if it is worth the money to buy a sportsbike because they have such good gas mileage. I live in a small town and a motorcycle would be nice to ride instead of driving around.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Dimo J
Nope. The gasoline saved by the bike over the Beetle will not come anywhere near paying for the bike. You do not get to claim a good reason for having a sportsbike — so tell everyone to F.O. and get it for the fun.
Answer by Farmer
not really.
from what you’re stating, a bike would be just like a toy for you.
you already have a sports car, and a gas miser for when you need transportation and money is tight so a bike would really be just a toy for you.
Answer by Ming
if you want to get the bike, you should sell one of the cars. a car is a must, the motorcycle is generally for leisure. however, if you dont’ like sitting through traffic, the bike is convenient because you can lanesplit and ride in the carpool lane.
Answer by cocoy
not really..
the bike would pretty much be a “toy” for you because you already have a gas saver vehicle.
if you get a bike, then how much would your payments be? would your savings in gas compensate for that payments? how much would insurance be? (in some states its cheaper because they have shorter summer and longer winter and all so insurance companies knows that you won’t be riding your bike too much- like colorado).
so with everything said and done, would you be saving? but that’s just my opinion, but if you really want a bike just because you want one, then get one.
Answer by Dudeman
Just get the bike if you can afford it. They are fun! But you WILL need one of the cars too.
Answer by Levi
Would it save money… Not a chance (sportbikes are expensive to insure). It would look really cool though 😀
Answer by Bart S
ahh huh, ,, you sound like a typical HD owner where they all say they buy a HD as an investment.
I buy a motorcycle for fun, enjoyment, the passion to ride, the freedom, to express myself.
NO motorcycle is an investment, all motorcycles loose value in time
Answer by bluff mike
Bikes are more than just investments or gas misers.
If you want one, that’s all the reason you need.
Answer by pieeatinguy
Depending on the sport bike you get really. Hayabusa’s and 1000’s and up don’t get that great fuel economy.
Answer by magnanimous
No, it wouldn’t be a good investment. But you’ll have a lot of fun with it, I know I do with mine. Ride safe.
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