soccergirl4847: Interested in a head start for soccer training?
I am planning to try out for the girl’s 8th grade soccer team this coming March. I am interested in getting a head start in training. What would you recommend I do? Any special agility/circuit training? Or just certain soccer skills? Thank you!
Answers and Views:
Answer by D
Sprints and short distance running where you are constantly changing directions.
Answer by Socster
As far as fitness is concerned, your best bet is to get on a football field and run line drills two or three times a week. Start at the 0 yard line and sprint to the 10, and then back to the 0. Then out to the 20 yard line and back to 0… continue this until you have reached the entire length of the field.
The best way to get better at soccer is to play. Hit up some local parks in your area and participate in a few pickup soccer games. If you don’t know of any in your area, you can find active games listed on This way you can play with a variety of different people and get practice passing and moving with the ball.
Best of luck! And enjoy the journey!
Answer by Tim Show
Make this fun for the kids who are playing they are girls so they can not be pushed as much as the guys are start them out walking and after they are nice and warmed up set them to a jog and doing sprints and stuff like that and side drills.
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