*magenta*: In astronomy is your anatomy the good or bad parts?
I mean like whatever your sign is you have an anatomy and a usually a couple body parts like myn is stomache and breasts. So does that mean i will have problems with them or are they the best parts of me?
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Answer by IndigoChild.
Kind of half and half, but a little bit more towards the bad side.
Your anatomy for whichever zodiac sign is the body part that represents you as a person. For example, I am a Leo, and mine are the heart and spine. The heart signifies love and joy, while the spine is equivalent to pleasure and luxury. Thus, these two are also the most vulnerable parts of my body. I am prone to have heart and spine issues throughout my life.
So yeah, your anatomy is the organ that you should look after most carefully. Your specific part is most important to your zodiac sign, and should be taken well care of.
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