William: I make international calls to England, and want to know the cheapest way to do so?
My mobile company is no good for international calls to England. Is there any alternatives for me or ways to make cheap calls to a mobile phone in England?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Dave Cardwell
Try Localphone – only 1.8¢ per minute to landlines.
Answer by MM3
Check out Skype. You make calls from your computer. It’s free if you are calling to another computer that has Skype and it’s $ 0.021/minute to land lines and mobile phones. You can check out their prices in detail here:
Answer by NOLA guy
Another thru-the-internet phone service is: www.skype.com
Answer by beabritdifferent
Another alternative is to buy a long distance phonecard – ask at the newsagents which one they’d recommend.
Answer by Thomas V
Yeah long distance phone card.
Get a Onesuite.com account and you can use it for calling England as a prepaid phone card or as a voip if you have internet connection. It’s like having the best of both worlds.
Calling U.K. is about 2 cents per minute and its pay as you go so you can quit anytime and don’t need to pay for anythng extra or monthly/yearly plans.
Answer by Haris
Try VoIPRaider.com, Nonoh.net
Best, cheapest of the lot!
Answer by simm101
Get a local phone and use after 8pm.
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