Ranjith: How to understand that the lady got an orgasm?
After doing sex for a while, my wife gets more secretions than normal from her vagina, thinks that she got an orgasm and tells me to stop. But there is no vaginal contractions or anything. I think she is misunderstanding. But she says she is statified. Is she misunderstanding or the orgasm is real?
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Answer by Ithilrien F
There aren’t always perceptible contractions, so she may well be telling the truth, especially if she has weak pelvic floor muscles. Additionally, she may be faking it because she thinks it’s what you want to hear.
Usually her nipples will firm up rock hard and she approaches orgasm. She will breathe heavy and wrap her legs and arms around you tightly and her toes will curl under. Her body will twitch. She will moan, groan and make other verbal noises and scream, “Oh God”.Answer by Cody
Get a new side girlfriend. A fucking playboy bunny. Then you will not have to worry about your wife, and you can have her do the god damned dishes for once. I know that they are piled up if you are sitting there playing with her pussy, and not bitching for a beer.
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