MasterX: How to pay/fund Paypal account from verified Paypal to another verified account?
I recently started a Paypal account to pay someone around $ 2000 funded by my creditcard. I have just verified it today but it is still blocking my payment. Apparently I cannot use the creditcard at the time and I have to try again later. I have managed to transfer some money in a smaller amount over. Paypal is now saying ‘Authorization Failed’ for future transfers. Apparently this is because my account is new and they think it is suspicious.
Are there any other ways from other Payment processors that can take my creditcard payment and then deposit the amount to the designated Paypal account?
Creditcard has been confirmed by my Bank to be correct and working. My Paypal is enrolled in the ‘Expanded Use Program’ and is a Verified account. Paypal backed by Creditcard as Paypal do not provide Bank funding option for NZ’ers.
Both paying and receiving ends of the payments have their accounts located in New Zealand.
I have called Paypal and they said it was due to the spike as it was my first transfer and it was too big. For those who have gotten this error, will my creditcard ever work again? I was hoping to try in a few days.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Kathleen M
Go to the help tab at the top in your paypal account. And then tab on to customer service and either call them or email them your question. This will give you the most reliable answer.
Answer by sho_nuff187
If it is saying that the authorization failed you may want to check with your bank again. Some cards have less than a $ 1000 limit per day. Most cards are at the $ 2000.00 limit. However I am willing to bet that your paypal account block the transaction. If your normal payments sending and receiving have been fairly low and you are now sending a $ 2000 payment paypal has probably blocked your payment due to a possible fraud risk. This would be because of a spike in your buying pattern.
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