Busted: How should I start playing tennis?
I want to join the tennis team next year and tryouts are in the spring time I believe. Anyway, I’ve never played tennis, other than just folling around with the racket with friends, how should I start? We have tennis courts at my school that I can go to on the weekends and after school. Do I need a teacher or what?
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Answer by Blake
your best choice would be to find a coach to teach you the correct ways to serve, hit a forehand, backhand, volley, and how to work on your footwork and practice in some group or private lessons. After you’ve learned the correct way to hit i recommend going against a wall and practicing your strokes, or practicing your strokes while you play against your friends. I remember my coach saying that the kids who learn topspin earlier get better faster.
Okay once again to all the people that are joining the tennis team just for fun and can’t even play…signing up for a high school tennis team without knowing you are already a good player is not something to do if you don’t want to make a fool of yourself on court.
Tennis is amazing and fun but takes so much hard work
do suicide sprints, footwork drills, and endurance runs of at least 2 mi at a time-no walking.
The mentality for tennis is gonna be new for you because it is unlike any other sport. It is all you out there and only you (I’m a singles player) -there are no timeouts, no halftimes. That can only be learned from experience of matches, after you hit 50 you will get much better.
Tennis requires so much skill and technique in every shot from the forehand, backhand, volley, overhead smash, drop shot, semi-volley, swinging volley, and most of all the serve. You need to have a good feel of the raquet in all your shots to get the depth, placement and power.
keep in mind tennis is hard and something you need to be comitted to, not just to join the team for fun.
Yes you need a teacher so you can learn the right techniques as I said above. and personally I don’t know the point of playing if you’re not gonna make varsity.
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