kevin: How much should my sister charge for a crocheted blanket?
My sister has spent $ 50 in yarn to make the king size blanket. It has taken hours to make this. It has no holes or any flaws in it.
How much should she charge for it?
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Answer by mike1942f
What ever you can convince people to pay in this down economy – I don’t think you can charge enough to get materials back, much less cover labor unless it is unbelievably spectacular. Go to which is all crafts and look at what people are trying to get for crocheted afgans and comforters – most of which will be much smaller than king size.
Answer by hapi
General rule of thumb used to be 3 times the cost of your materials, but I have recently seen it cited as more than that. Given the time and effort needed to crochet a king size afghan, I would say *at least* that. Figure $ 150 – $ 200 (or more if she thinks the market she is trying to reach will bear that).
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