That one: How many will be listening to Obama 30 minute speech tomorrow night?
McCain is still trying to raise doubt about Obama. Obama will reassure people, who is. Obama, will reiterate that he is not going to raise taxes on the middle class. I can’t wait to give a listen. I have already voted for him, but I plan on listening anyway. I like to hear him speak. Your Thoughts?
Answers and Views:
Answer by JoHaNnA
Answer by Brittany
I sure will not.
Answer by Please Consult Me =)
not me ill be at school?
answer mine please :
Answer by 😀
well i have already bet on who i know will win the election. and you know what i rather not say who because there are arrogant people on this site who decide to thumb someone down because they disagree with the person. so if i do get the chance i might tune it if not ill be doing college work.
Answer by Joseph S
Not I.
Obama is skunk and everyone voting for that man is either brainwashed beyond belief or a counterfeit American and a betrayer. He’s not even eligible legally to be President and electing him would be like propelling a trojan horse directly through the White House gates.
That is my closing argument, but I’ll never accept him as my president; I’d rather jump off Hoover Dam.
Answer by B-Field
Not me, i already voted.
Answer by Veronica K
not I. I have other things I could waste my time on.
Answer by Uncle Beavis
Not interested in anything he has to say at this point…
Answer by Kelly Smith
Yes I will be too
Answer by daisymae
i should, but dont care 🙁
Answer by J J
not me
Answer by partyinmypants
Answer by amandamcpeak1980
I am not going to. I hope he fails big time.
Answer by Gothic Me
Not me. Obama is a creep.
Answer by Dozer
im going to it
Answer by cr3ater
Answer by tierney0088
I will not. I donlt need to. I have already decided who I am routing for. It is almost pointless by now because I think most people have already decided.
Answer by Catherine L
i might!
i will try 2 make it!
Answer by Im black
obama can speak is it his own words or did his rev wright them
Answer by The face of reality
put McCain in a nursing home and make a change.
Answer by petitcococherie
if I was an adult I would definitely vote for Obama, & yeah, I will listen to him =)
Answer by Ariel J
Of course I will!!! 😀 GO BARRACK OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D
Answer by Aly
I might. I mean McCain is just annoying he mumbles and always says
”My Friends” way to much.
Answer by Darwin
I’ll pass. He can not possibly reassure me that he is anything but a dishonest socialist with a radical background.
Answer by notyoungenough
to quote Barry Boy….”just word just speaches}…………..most of his “change” sounds like Adolph…….Heil Barry…………Heil Barry
Answer by Wicked Good
We will not be listening. We have already voted and quite frankly if we haven’t heard it all from him by now, too late. After all he’s had more than a chance to sway our vote with all of the one sided reporting that has gone on this election. Not to mention he is paying for time with funds he originally said he would not take, but since he opted out, something he said he would not do more political money was available to him. McCain stuck to fair political funding even though he could have raised more money the other way. But Barrack Hussein Obama sways on everything, it’s say anything do anything to be elected. As the money given to Acorn proves.
Glad I voted for McCain. He has been our Senator for years and years here in Arizona and has always done a great job. I know he would make a wonderful President and one I can feel secure with. Too much is at stake this election. Especially National Security.
Answer by LBJ
What a shame, it clashes with something, can’t think what at the moment but I will think of something later.
Answer by Caninelegion
Not me; I find Karl Marx boring and listening to lies makes my blood pressure rise. besides, I’m reassured already as I already voted for McCain. Many moons ago I was a Democrat – prior to the Marxists taking over the party – but I am now Independent. Still voted for the occasional Dem but with the party putting up a racist and Marxist combination who will divide the country even worse, I have, for the first time ever, voted straight ticket Republican. I never thought that would happen but the Democratic Party has just plain lost it.
Answer by gunsters90
First of all yes! Next of all I don’t really like him since hes raising taxes… ░░░░░░☼
Answer by I’m a PC
Not I
Answer by debijs
~~I will be watching, along with husband, daughters, son, their significant others, other relatives, friends, and I hope millions of Americans.
It’s imperative to hear him because of all the lies and false information about his plans being played constantly. I expect him to clearly state his plans, goals, and strategies.
I love to hear him speak, because he fills me with hope in a time which feels hopeless. Anyone not watching him are people who want to remain ignorant, afraid of change, and just like to keep their heads in the sand.~~
Answer by LOVELY W
fa sho
Answer by Miss J
I like Obama but I must say Im not a fan of his tax plans, but I will be watching.
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