dan: How many more vacations are the Obama’s going to take?
Does America like their tax dollars going to help pay for Michelle Obama’s countless vacations around the world?
You would think she would at least spend those vacations in America and help and promote our own struggling economy instead of taking 50 of her friends to some 5-star hotel in Spain that only the super-super rich could afford.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Nyx
They need at least 73 more to catch up with Bush.
Answer by being raped by the government
As many as they feel like and there isn’t a damn thing you or I can do about it and they KNOW it.
Answer by solaryellow
There were 3 more planned for this month,..I think finally getting to the Gulf after 110 days of disaster is on par….
Answer by CommonCents
not more than bush..it’s not humanly possible. you set yourself up for it….maybe it’s time to let go of the vacation criticism until he even remotely approaches the bush level.
Answer by John D “Your ad here”
Did you complain about all the vacations that George W. Bush took? No? Didn’t think so.
Be objective or STFU.
Answer by Michelle-N Man
I think it has remained 8 for the Summer BUT Fall is coming around and those haven’t been added up yet and then there’s the Winter vacations and of course Spring comes around then back to Summer. Yeah, much more. They don’t care its not their dime.
Answer by dave23857
LOL! Look at all the liberals bash Bush… That’s all they can do these days to defend their marxist president.
Bush took “vacations” to his ranch in Texas. Which cost practically nothing to tax payers. In fact, they called it the “Western White House” because most of the time he went there to work.
Answer by Shuthrower
You are watching way too much right wing media. As if any of the Bush’s did’nt have an entourage with them when they traveled. Get a grip.
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