Pus gums: How many branches of judaism are there, and are any branches at odds with each other?
I’m curious how many branches there are of Judaism>? Do most of these branches get along, or are any branches at odds?
What were the Pharisees at the time of Jesus, were they mainstream Jews of 2000 years ago? Thanks.
I heard of ‘reformed Jews’, and heard that the more conservative Jews don’t like them that much.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Steven שמואל
Orthodox and Progressive. Orthodox has some minor sub-sects. Progressive includes Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist.
Orthodox practices traditional Judaism. Progressive practices a “reformed” or “progressed” Judaism. There are many differences.
See this article for a good explanation: https://www.jewfaq.org/movement.htm#US
“Messianic Jews” are NOT Jewish. That is the unanimous opinion of all the Jewish denominations, and the Israeli Supreme Court. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messianic_Judaism#cite_note-Denominations-9 and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messianic_Judaism#cite_note-Berman-13
Orthodox Jews don’t really associate with Progressive Jews, and don’t accept Progressive converts. That’s b/c Progressive doesn’t give Jewish Law as much significance as Orthodox would like.
There were two main sects in the time of Jesus – the Pharisees and the Samaritans. The Pharisees were the popular sect, whereas the Samaritans were the elite – the priests, the nobles, etc.
Modern Jews are descended from the Pharisees. There are only appx 700 Samaritans left, and they live in a couple of towns in Israel. Acc normative Jewish Law, the Samaritans are a breakaway sect, and are no longer considered Jewish.
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