j dddddd: How does paypal work with a private party rather than ebay?
I’ve used paypal several times on ebay, but how does it work when you are buying something from someone on craigslist?
Is it safe? I mean, if the concert tickets show up in my mail and they are bogus, then what?
Answers and Views:
Answer by HomeworkJAVA
Then you have to go to paypal and open up a dispute and provide them with evidence that you did not receive your tickets.
It is best to use craiglist only locally and in a public place, i do not suggest using PayPal unless you know the seller
Answer by Flower
Exactly. You have no buyer protection and no recourse if that happens on Craigslist since they assume no risk. Most sellers on Ebay are also private parties but there are requirements to sell on Ebay. Selling on Craigslist is the same as advertising in any classified advertising sales, online or in print.
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