: How does one turn a normal picture into a cartoon image in photoshop or photoshop elements?
I have photoshop elements but if you know how in regular photoshop that helps too. How would i make an image of something into like a cartoon looking image of itself?
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Answer by Mujer Alta
Here is a tutorial about using some of the filters for cartoon/hand drawn effects.
I do it slightly differently and like how it turns out better.
1. Open your photo and duplicate it. The easiest way to do this is in the Layers Palette. Right click on the Background layer and click on Layer From Background. The Background layer is locked and is hard to work on. It’s also the original image and we don’t edit originals because we might want to use them again.
2. Duplicate the image once again. The top copy should be highlighted. Filter>Blur>Smart Blur. Set the Quality to High and the Mode to Edge Only. (And don’t panic because it’s white lines on a black background;-) The Radius and Threshhold settings will depend on the size and resolution of the photo but values around 20 for the Radius and Threshhold are usually good. You want enough lines but not too many. Click OK. Now, Filter>Adjustment>Invert. Yea!! Black lines;-)
3. Up at the top of the Layers Palette is a box with the word Normal in it. These are the Blending Modes – which are really fun things to play with. The Blending Mode mixes two layers together. click the little dropdown arrow on the box’s right side, scroll down and click on Overlay. Try Soft Light. Try Hard Mix. Try Luminosity down at the bottom of the list. Move up the list and try Multiply. Try Color Burn. Last, at the top right of the Layers Palette is another box. Opacity, with 100% in it. You can use this to fade the Blending Mode. So if you want the lines a little thinner and more color to show through, click the the arrow on the right side of the Opacity box then click and hold and the little slider and move it left and right to change the Opacity.
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