Destiny: How does on teens abstinence affect their peers?
I’m doing a project at school and my topic is teen abstinence. One of my essential questions for this is “How does on teens abstinence affect their peers?”. Now what i mean about that is if a teen is abstinent, then will their friends be more drawn to being abstinent? Or are they not really affected?
I really need sites that support the reasons.
Thanks for all your help.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Cakes the Heathen
Abstinent on what: sex, drugs, alcohol?
The entire question doesn’t make sense. “How does teens abstinence affect their peers?” Makes no sense. Grammatically incorrect.
There should be an apostrophe after “teens.”
If you look online, you’re going to get really biased answers.
Answer by greatprincemichaelAlthough I agree with religious conservatives who want to challenge the youth to delay sexual activity for a while, I totally disagree with their message that a condom is a provision for sin. I send my Christian friends to the website below which debunks the whole thing against premarital sex in the Bible. That way they have no excuse not to support comprehensive sex education.
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