Daniel: How do you start dating if you never dated before and you’re hearing impaired?
I’m just wondering what are some good ways to start dating? I’m a bit of a shy person, so at age 25, it’s starting to get a bit hopeless thinking maybe I’m starting to get uglier by the year. So I’m just wondering good ways to start dating again? I tried online dating services with no luck. I’m hearing impaired so I really can’t go to bars and stuff, but one to one conversations work very well to a certain extent.
Any ideas?
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Answer by Kristine
Try Facebook.com, if you don’t already have one, they have little apps that are meant just for dating. Like Speed Dating and Flirtable. The Speed Dating is the best I’m told. Get a web camera for you comp if you don’t have one.
Answer by KWW
1. Let the person you are talking to know that you have a hearing problem. Ask them to speak clearly not more loudly. They will understand and work with you in this respect. ” I know I have a hearing problem and wear hearing aids in both ears.”
#2. I know they are expensive but get your self digital hearing aids and that will help a lot also. Some have adjustments for noisey areas such as resturants and another adjustment for road noise while riding in car. ” That is the type I have and they work quite well.”
As far as the dating I can not be of much help there. Good Luck.
Answer by annahannab
Okay, I have a hearing impaired male friend almost in your same boat; except this guy is actually older, never dated and won’t accept the actual reasons why.
First off, no matter who you are, you HAVE to present something that somebody out there will find attractive. Make sure you’re appearance is pleasant and your personality is too. Because communication is essential in a relationship it would be preferable if you sought a girl who could use sign language fluently, whether she’s hearing impaired or not.
Try first to find someone within the deaf community . . . are you a member of any groups exclusive to hearing impaired people?? if not, join one. Whatever events that are taking place in your community for deaf and hard of hearing, attend!!
My friend is smart BUT he uses his disability as a crutch, complains fiercely, never seems to get along well with others (and sometimes it’s not his fault) and has let his appearance go.
I’ve tried to convince him to clean himself up a bit, dress nicer AND don’t be so damn grumpy. IF a person is only offering something negative, there’ll be no takers. Put on your best face, look as nice and clean as you can, smile and mingle!!
The best thing is that a lot of hearing impaired people have family members and friends who speak sign language because of them, and thus, these hearing people would be potential dates because they can communicate well with you!!
Always take a little note pad and pen with you when you do go out in case you DO meet someone you like and want to talk to ; jot down a note ” hi, I’m hearing impaired but wanted to say HI to you!!” and I’m sure she’ll be impressed if she’s nice.
Don’t limit yourself to what you can do or where you can go……get yourself out there.
My friend likes to jeft ski and snow ski and swim and travel……so there are many opportunities out there to meet people.
Don’t be shy either, life goes by way too fast and before you know it you’ll be 60 and alone so get out there and grab what life has to offer you, get married, have a great family !!
Answer by princy
dear, if you are looking for a best and reliable dating website than there are many dating sites like https://tringuladating.com/ cupoid.com, match.com, plentyoffish.com
Answer by Stacker
Try checking out the community center website in your area. Or just do an internet search for things in your area. Meeting people is already hard enough, but with an impairment? That just adds even more difficulty! 🙁
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