Genuine Phenomenon: How do you make Algebra fun for students?
I need a way to make an Algebra 1 video fun and exciting. What I need help with is thinking of different video to make it exciting: like using skateboarding with slope…I’ve asked this question before, but I don’t think I made it easy to understand. What would make a movie about Algebra interesting to teenagers?
Answers and Views:
Answer by frankie’s mommy
Not possible. Algebra is hard and most kid can’t stand it.
Answer by gjmb1960
Dont use games – things – anything that the pre-adult knows. Mathematics is abstract and should stay that way especially a theoretical dungeon like algebra.
Algebra is not supposed to be fun, If it is no fun for the students then it is fun for the teacher. You will make yourself ridiculous if you try to do “something” with a skateboard in Algebra-class. the students will have fun but you will not. And then ? do you expect them to rememeber the things about Lie-groupos that you demostrated with the skateboard ? or do you expect them that they will remember you as the one that couldnt even hold a skateboard i her hands . You are a profesional math teacher , not a clown.
Teach them algebra like you have learned it , the hard way , in the end they will lpove Algebra, since you love it as well. So my advice is do not listen to all those pseudo-pedagogues , they never solved any Algebra problem. Teach algebra how it is taught already for hundreds of years with letters ( not numbers ) show the kids the intrisic beauty of algebra-problems, they dont need to solve them , just contemplating the beaut is enough, it will give them a firm base for inventing their own al;gebra problems, that they can not solve either, and later they can embed their algebra-problems in a theory , that btw doesnt help to solve the original problem but give them more tools to invent even more complicated problems , that is the essence of algebra, if you can make that clear to the kids you have wun half the battle
Answer by SheSoFly
You are on the right track. It definitely has to be relatable to things students know and care about like sports, shopping, music, games and etc. Maybe you could make a music video of some sort. Gosh, I just remembered how much I hated math in school…I gotta go———->
Answer by joey’s girl
when i took algebra, my teacher took us out on the football field and we had little flags (like to mark things in the ground) and she had a grid already formed on the ground! with the flags, we had to plot certain points that she told us! we used it with many things such as plottong points, finding slope, slope-intercept, and so on!!
Answer by Milana P
OK, well, I would try to convert problems into scenarios they can relate to. This will also answer the “When will we ever use this?” question. For instance, show two girls at the mall. They are there to go to a movie, and each has $ 20 that their parents gave them. On the way to the theater, they pass a store that’s having a sale on bracelets: 4/$ 5. The bracelets are really cool, and they each want a lot of them. If the movie costs $ 7 per person, how many bracelets can each girl get and still have enough left over for the movie?
And then move on to the next scenario. DON’T tell the answer. Not yet, at least. The trick is to get them to figure out the answer. And when they say that it wasn’t hard, duh, point out that it was simple Algebra and they can never protest again that it doesn’t make sense.
Answer by
skateboarding fun for some but not all children like to skateboard but yeah more movements needed and have you seen the movies they watch = give them some goth and horror halloween element also hint hint
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