Grace: How do you convert to from sunni islam to shia islam ?
I have of course already taken the shahaddah but is there another one that I have to recite to convert to shia islam?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Sjnoring Vjerilood
You have to blow up 70 Sunnis.
why would u convert to shia islam? sunni islam is the real islam! think twice about it plz!!Answer by BAZOINKER
You have to recite the Shia Kalmah
La illaha illallah
Mohamadur Rasoolallah
Ali un Waliullah
Wasio Rasoollallah
Wa Khaleefatahoo Bila Fass
You may want to contact a Shia Alim or something for the correct pronunciation
You are already in Islam, so i do not think there is more you have to do but it would be best to make sure….
remember conversion is from your belifs! not what you do!
I hope i helped a littlebit… just contact me if you need some more help 🙂
Ya Ali Madad
Welcome! And my Imam Ali help you!
Answer by SafwanYou are spreading disunity and creating fitnah, The Quran calls for an end to sects and emphasises unity “Hold fast to the rope of God and be not divided”
I am sunni and I believe in Ali’s Wilayah and Imamate of Ahl-Bayt (AS) and the caliphate of Abu Bakr (RA).
And I hate to be called a sunni……bcoz this creates a sense of group/sect and abolishes the idea of belonging to One Ummah. I am just a muslim. Was Ali a sunni or a shia? Who was Muhammad , sunni or shia ? God says “O Muhammad! Disassociate yourself from the poeple who breakup into sects”
To put the whole argument in a nutshell, shia muslims believe in the Imamate while the Sunni muslims believe in the caliphate.
Here, the sunnis are wrong, bcoz in their books teh imamte is clearly mentioned and their early scholars believed in the imamate ofteh 12 imams.
According to their books, who does not believe in the imamate are not sunnis.
You are just wasting your time……….
its all teh same thing. On the day of Judgement you wont be asked which sect you belonged to….
* Believe in Ali’s Imamte
* Abu Bakr’s caliphate
* Muawiya was evil, his son yezid too
* Aisha was wrong at the battle of jamal but she has to be respected as a wife of the Holy Prophet.
Answer by tdlanj2003“Ash-hadu -an-la-ilaha illal-laha, wa ash-hadu anna Mohammad-an Abdo-hu wa Rasulo-uhu” which means: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is Allah’s servant and His Messenger.”.
The optional addition of Ali –un- vali -ul –lah (“Ali is the friend of God”)
I would like to email you but it says that you dont accept emails! ;(…..
Answer by peaceandloveThere is nothing shia islam or sunni Islam , If you want to folloow follow what Allah and His propehet Muahmmade peace be upon him commanded to you.
The Glorious Qur’an says:
“And hold fast, All together, by the rope Which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves;” [Al-Qur’an 3:103]
“As for those who divide Their religion and break up Into sects, thou hast No part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end Tell them the truth Of all that they did.” [Al-Qur’an 6:159]
Answer by arashThere is no magic word to make someone shia.
It is great that you are a new muslim. please just continue to learn about the Islam, i.e. those principles that are common in shia and sunni. Then start to read the Islam history and decide to choose one of these two. (I myself believe in shia)
The only question in this time is your way of praying and washing before pray, believe me that is not so important for a new muslim. Ask for two ways and try them. Just remember and say God that “I am a new muslim, I am not sure the correct way, but I want to be a real muslim, you please help me to find the correct way in my life” and try to listen to your nature!
Please start reading the Islam history and try to simulate those situations to this age and think and think and feel and feel and ask God and ask God, and God will guide you to the correct way.
I am a shia and I love a lots of my sunni brothers.
My exact recommendation is that: be care full about wahhabi (saudi arabian version of Islam). Be care full.
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