childbirth4god: How do I report a PayPal spam email sent to an address that doesn’t have an account attached to it?
Several emails claiming to be from PayPal have been sent to one of my email addresses that isn’t even associated with a PayPal account. I normally just click the ‘report spam’ button in my email, but I have heard there is a site where these emails can be reported. Any ideas where this is? I thought I had found something, but the sample email wasn’t anything like what I have received.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jpt
just forward the email to and you will get an email from paypal saying if the email is scam or not
Answer by Psychic Computer Repair®
Answer by king4
well i don’t have any ideas, but try and find the IP address and then copy there email then go to a IP address finder and let them no whats going on they will help you they helped me.
Answer by Saininja13
sent them an email to they will help you with ur problem
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