btsff7: How do I remove a nonbiological father from birth certificate?
My daughter has a nonbiological father on her bc. I have had the DNA test proving who is the father. I know I have to get court order removing one man and putting the correct man on. The problem is that the nonbiological father does not want to come off and wants to remain her father. Based on the type of person he is, I dont want that. Can he legally have any say in that due to me having the correct DNA. I also cannot have the bio dad step forward and fight for it because he was murdered.
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Answer by Adam B
What I’m about to say varies a bit depending on where you live.
It depends on how old the child is. If the non-biological father already has an emotional relationship with the child, and is already taking responsibility for the child’s financial support, then the law will not leave your child without a father just because of biology. It might be different if the biological father was alive, but in the face of a non-biological father who is willing and interested in maintaining a relationship with the child, what you’re proposing is erasing his name and replacing it with nothing. The law doesn’t like that.
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