Leslie M: How do I keep my kitten calm during the night?
I have a 3 month old kitten and an almost 2 year old cat. The kitten is great during the day, but then in the middle of the night and early morning, he goes berserk. They tear around the room and play and knock things over and it’s making it extremely difficult to sleep. I’ve tried so many different things to calm him down and nothing works.Help!
I have tried closing them in a different room, closing just the kitten in a different room and putting him in the carrier for a little bit.
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Answer by Maria
cats are nocturnal so they will tend to play at night. Have you tried closing them in a room?
A three month old kitten should not have run of the house at night.
edit: “I have tried closing just the kitten in a different room”
And why didn’t this work? This is what I have done with every kitten I have acquired for the first couple of months, works like a charm.
Answer by JackieDo you have a small cage put a kitty bed inside and put the kitten inside with the door closed just before bedtime. Make sure its in a dark area where you want it to sleep. After a couple of weeks try leaving the door open. Repeat until it sleeps in it at night . If it becomes active in the nite while door is open put it in and close door. It will learn that nite time is quiet time.
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