erbear2564: How do i get my boyfriend to be a good kisser?
He is such a bad kisser but i don’t want to hurt his feelings. how do i help him get better without telling him?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Kayla
Practise makes perfect as everyone says
let me train you then you can train him.Answer by Haylee
I totally know what you’re dealing with. My boyfriend used to be horrible. I just kind of started to lead when we would kiss and he soon caught on. We also watched movies and I always pointed out how gentle and romantic the kissing was. I also looked up techniques on google:) good luck!Answer by TeanaF
Show hem how to do it…. Sometimes men have to be trained!!!Answer by teeachmethngs
just keep practicing. perfect practice makes perfect.Answer by Wascally Wabbit
as you kiss let him know what you like and don’t like
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