jc ♫: How do I decorate my first Christmas tree?
This may seem a little odd but I’ve NEVER had a Christmas tree.
I live w/my boyfriend and this will be our first Christmas together and we want to get a tree. I’m clueless on what to buy though. I know ornaments and lights. But how many? Where’s the best place to shop for this stuff? How much should I expect to spend (not counting the tree)?
Thanks! Im so excited about Christmas!
Answers and Views:
Answer by jmanoh
If you’re getting a “real” tree you’ll need a stand of some sort to hold it upright. Artificial trees usually come with their own stands. The amount of lights and ornaments you’ll need to buy depends on how you want the tree to look. Some people want a tree that is full of ornaments and other people like a less full tree. The size of the tree also makes a difference.
Answer by technical difficulties
decorate it to your preference. observe how the tree looks after or during the decorating process. you can always adjust the look, lights and adornments.
don’t kill a real tree now! get a fakey, there’s tons of fakey’s out there that are incredible. get a 8 ft. multi pine type of tree… of course there’s many colors to choose from also.
i have a multiple (meaning there’s different types of branches of pine trees as the part of it from the stickly to very lush spruce) that’s 9ft. and it’s a fiber optic. it’s beautiful. it’s also very heavy though. but it was worth the time and effort.
it was prelit… but i added more lights to it.. and lots of beaded garlands… balls.. icicle tinsel… and a huge star topper.
this tree will last for years… and it will take a beating plus no tree had to die for the holidays.
and it’s nonflammable and won’t make a mess! i won’t have to worry about watering it and watch out what type of lights i have to put on it because it’s a FAKE!
also i won’t have to worry about bugs or other infestations because it’s not real… 😀
now here’s just some places as examples…
for prelits and examples.
also here’s a site with many styles….
oh also don’t just decorate the tree!
also of course ebay.com has many artificial trees to choose from also it’s amazing if you hit it right you can get a real nice one for 100’s less.
that’s if you want an artificial.
remember fiber optics are real nice trees also… they’re amazing to look at once you turn off the rest of the tree lights and turn off the house lights.
Answer by cookiesmom
get ready to spend some money….and when the holiday is over be prepared to spend some more..your first tree may not be all you want it to be if you are short on funds….the number of lights will depend on the size of your tree…i always use at least 150 lights per foot of the tree so a six foot tree would call for about 900…also you can theme your tree…mine is all clear lights and my ornaments are white, silver, clear, and clear or white glass, silver bows etc…i use enough ornaments to leave virtually no empty spot on the tree…..now, the reason you need to be prepared to spend after is because the ornaments and such will be on sale to push the inventory….i started collecting my ornaments and storing them a year before i decided to have a tree of my own and i collect about ten or so items each year….five years down the road and you will be christmas decoration stocked…..good luck….by the way…when storing your ornaments be sure to save your original packaging for reuse…as for the lights, i store mine in gallon ziplocs….if you want to take the time you can use twist ties to secure them to themselves so as to avoid tangling
Answer by Theresa
You can get it from Concourse, it’s much cheaper there. A 5ft christmas tree will decor will cos you 100 plus
Answer by ktwister
If you have a Big Lots in your area they have cute but cheaper decorations, if you buy lights from there make sure the are UL approved you will see UL in a circle.
Any discount store will be the best place to get them
Pick out the ornaments first and then find other things to match. You can try to stick to a theme like candy cane theme with red and white lights. Snowman them with blue and white lights.
Since you live in an apartment I would recommend a fake tree these are much more safer.
If you stick to a smaller tree I think you could get a nicely decorated tree and a few extra things around $ 50.00 .
I prefer spend less and change it my decorations every few years.
Answer by Tigger
Right now, discount stores and department stores are starting to sell decorations. Including some very nice ones at a nice low price. Which reminds me: I need to pick up a few myself.
Answer by ssb
I suggest you look at some displays to see what type of decorations you like. I would go with a fake also. I have 4 trees now and hoping to add another this year. 1 is decorated with all penguin orniments, 1 is very elegant, 1 is a white tree w/all red ornaments and i have one shaped like a snowman. First pick your style then go from there, ie elegant, monochromatic, whimsical.
Answer by Ginger/Virginia
I’d recommend decorating it skimpily the first year. Then after Christmas, hit the sales getting lots of lights, ornaments, roping, tree skirt, etc. at half price or less. You can really save a lot.
Here are sites with ideas that aren’t real expensive:
Have fun!
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