hillarkd23: How do I convince my mom to let me keep a stray I found?
I found a 6 week old black and white kitten in the garden center of Wal-Mart. At first my mom said if I caught it, we could keep it, but then she changed her mind. We went home and a friend and I went back and spent 4 hours tying to catch it and finally succeded. We put it in a kennel cage and took it to my house. When my mom got home she wasnt mad but said we had to give it away. I really love this kitten and have already named it. How do I convince her to let me keep it. I relly don’t see her issue since we already have a cat and they would be kept outdoors.
Answers and Views:
Answer by bonnie g
Find this kitten a new home. Outdoors is not safe for a kitten. She needs a loving inside home.
Answer by Christina
cry and cry and whine and whine you might just get your way
Answer by Alex Douglas
Oh i feel so bad. Ok this is what you got to do you have to make a sacrifice man. ok you say Mom i want to keep this kitten please? and if she says no. you say i will do anything you want to keep this kitten and i promis i will be responsible if it has a collar it is already owned. just like name it and cry for it and she will give in workes every time for me.
Answer by Bob Saget
Tell your mom how much you love that cat. Let her know that you dont need to find it a good home, because it already has. Let her know that YOU found it and might have given it it’s chance in life. Adding a few tears might help too or bambi eyes. Any trick you know that helps your mom crack. Try to get your dad to help too. Gang up on her, but dont push her over board, just enought to let her know how much you want it.
Answer by lexi
Well tell her that you will take care of it yourself and that she wont have to do anything. That worked on my mom. If that doesn’t work then I don’t know.
Answer by Christine K
Ever think it could belong to somebody??? Dont’ keep it outside no not safe at all!!! someone else could take it,,wild animals,could get hit by a car think about it…best thing to do is put up posters…after calling the police to see if it was reported missing..after all it could belong to someone..if your cat was missing you’d want it back right??then convince your mom if its not claimed
Answer by Teresa M
There really isnt a VERY good answer to your question. BUT I FEEL SO BAD! okay sit your mom down and make her list our why you cant keep it and negotiate with her until she changes her mind, if not try to get it a home with one of your close friends and then you can see it all the time!
Answer by prepinpink153
Tell your mom that you’ll work really hard in school and that you will pay for the cat and clean up after it and take care of it.
Answer by Valerie C
Depending on where you live, cats really should be kept indoors. They can be a swift meal for coyotes, owls, even dogs. And you never find out what happened to them; they just disappear one day and you never see them again, it is a real heartbreaker. If you can’t keep the kitty inside, please find a home that can keep it inside all the time. If it’s someone you know, you can always go visit the kitty that way. Animals are a big investment in terms of time and responsibility; the cat could live up to 20 years; are you ready for that? I operate my own grassroots orphaned/abandoned ktten rescue out of my apartment, and I have a bunch of kitties in my apartment that I have to take care of all the time when I am not at work, and although I adore them, it is a real hassle sometimes. This morning they let me sleep in until 7:30 a.m. and then they were jumping all over my head, GREAT!!!
I applaud you for spending so much time trying to catch that little kitty. He or she may have died of exposure or starved to death if you hadn’t. Have you taken the kitty to the vet to get it checked out yet? Maybe you should just sit down with your Mom and explain how you feel. Tell her to let you have a “trial” period of time with the kitty in which you show her how good you are at taking care of it. And this includes paying attention to the kitty also. You should learn about kittens and how delicate they are and learn hows to handle them carefully. Did you know that kittens can die if they are handled too much? They are very delicate! Cats may seem independent, but they actually crave affection as much as a dog, at least mine do. Please do some internet research on cats kittens and their care; a good place to start is www.kittenrescue.org. Then decide whether or not you want to ask your Mom for the trial period. And please go along with whatever she says, because, after all, she is the boss!
Bless You For Caring!
Answer by steelmadison
offer your mom ALL the money you have…..
and tell her it is for food, shots, declawing, and money for the kitten to be fixed, etc.
this would be one of the biggest factors in your moms decision to NOT get another animal,,, MONEY,,,, it takes money to feed and care for an animal.
so give her all the money you have,,,, and tell her you will contribute money every week/month to the funds needed for such an animal…….. or if you can, tell her you will completely be responsible for the cat. (get a job even , to foot the bills)
she will go for this after some thought, for a number of reasons,,,, and you better be ready for the responsiblities that come with it.
its your best chance.
Answer by April
#1: Don’t keep it outdoors. Too dangerous
#2: It could belong to someone so take it to the vet. Sometimes owners put a microchip in a cat (it doesn’t hurt the cat) and a vet should be able to find out if there is one. If there is one you will probably be able to find the owner.
#3: Get a vet to give it a checkup. Maybe there’s something wrong with the kitten cause if you found it a while ago so you don’t really know much about it.
#4: If you find the owner then you gotta give it up. I know it’s hard, but if it already has an owner than keeping it is taking away a bundle of happiness from an owner who misses his/her kitten.
#5: Tell your mom about the dangers of letting the 6 WEEK OLD kitten go outside. Think about it: dogs, fast cars, wild animals (hungry animals) – who could let a defenseless kitten go out into all that? Also, you’ve got to prove to her that you’re responsible. Help out by doing the laundry and stuff to soften her up. Do good things for the kitten like make her toys, a comfy bed, and don’t forget to feed it.
Good luck!
P.S. DON’T TAKE AWAY THE CAT’S CLAWS. It’s like taking nails off a little boy or girl.
Answer by boncarles
Tell her there is no place for it to go. It is the truth, that most kittens turned in to shelters are put to sleep. If you promise to take care of the kitten, ask for a trial period, and show her you will take good care of it, and that you already got attached when she said you could have it. Cats really aren’t a problem, especially if outdoors. Just try to pull the heart strings about this kitty, if you love it you may as well provide it a home. There are so many kittens without homes already, why not give this one a home it has found?
Answer by al l
This is one of lifes lessons that you have to learn. We all want to keep the strays we find but sometimes we have to let go. It’s not right to try and persuade your mom to let you keep the kitten. Your mom obviously has her reasons wheather it’s financial or lack of time or even stress. It’s hard to see the big picture but your mom is doing what is right. Getting a pet is something you have to plan and not something that pops up out of the blue and you have to deal with. At least you know the kitten is safe from harm and will find a good home soon. You can try taking it to a no-kill animal shelter and you can visit until the kitten gets adopted.
Answer by Loxe
Think first about why you want the animal. Pets are a long term commitment. You still have to take care of it when it becomes a old lazy irritable housecat that wants to “miss” the litterbox when its pissed. It happens.
What about when you get older? What about school and college? Who takes care of the cat then?
Sure kittens are cute. But you have to want it for the right reasons… Animals aren’t cool toys. They’re living creatures with needs.
Your mom probably knows all this, and that is why she’s saying no. She knows its going to be a 1 month wonder for you, and after that Its going to be her problem.
Not cool.
Based on a few of your other questions, I gather that you’re a young teen. This is a turbulant time in your life, with lots of changes. If you care about the kitten, as a living creature, you’ll do whats best by it. Even if that means finding it a more stable environment to live in.
Answer by kitty654
tell her that i love this kitten and i named it and since it’s named i should keep and say i will be responsible for feeding it playing with it and grooming it and take good care of it .
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