laurentius89: How come Christians tend to “ban” and be against things that have nothing to do with their lives?
I’ve never heard an Atheist say “religious services should be banned”
Whereas many christians are against abortion, gay marriages, euthanasia..all things that don’t affect their lives
Seems like christians just want everyone to behave like them?doesn’t that look a bit selfish?
Answers and Views:
Answer by imrod
Christian here. I agree with you. It is sad that we are more associated with what we are against instead of what we are for.
Answer by mupet0000
Unfortunately Christians believe everything written in the bible is true and fact so according to them, everyone should abide by those rules.
Answer by Girl from Rivo
Most definately but, one day, Atheists will rule the world & we will make it a better place.
Answer by Rosie
“I’ve never heard an Atheist say “religious services should be banned”
…..well I dont know where you live, but in my area, that’s all you hear!
Answer by Its smee
‘christianity’ fosters narcissism. We are a ‘chosen’ people. We are special. They hear this over and over in their churches, and believe that they have an inherent right to be judgmental about other people. They have never learned to keep their superstition to themselves.
Answer by *ajidamoon* the Eh team
Or excellent works of literature. The local Christian school here wanted our PUBLIC library to pull Lord of the Flies, Catcher in the Rye, Flowers for Algernon and pretty much anything Harry Potter off the shelves because they didn’t agree with them…..simple solution. Don’t read them. And be a good parent and monitor what your child checks out if you prefer them to grow up to be as close minded as yourself. Of course it didn’t fly, much to their disappointment.
Answer by zaatheist
At the end of the day Christianity is simply a death cult. They are all hanging around waiting to die. This sad bunch certainly do not enjoy watching non-believers enjoying life to the fullest extent. Hence their desire to impose their twisted views on the rest of society.
Answer by Hayley
>>Whereas many christians are against abortion, gay marriages, euthanasia..all things that don’t affect their lives<>doesn’t that look a bit selfish?<<
What is selfish is to not care about what happens to others because "it doesn't affect my life."
Answer by Jaellynthecursed
I’m Christian. I think they’re trying to do God’s will to fight evil when they see it. But I don’t think the things you mention are evil. Trying to put a ban on abortion, gay marriage and euthanasia is not going to make those things go away. All a Christian can do is love God and love others.
Answer by macattakk2000
if you think euthanasia won’t effect you wait until you are getting old…Jesus said to be light and salt // light exposes darkness and salt is a preservative..the issues you site God says bring about judgment and condemnation of the entire nation. The western world has been secularized. The one time moral standards have been abolished and the Christian voice is the minority. And the nation is bankrupt at every level, school districts, cities , counties state and nationally we are insolvent. The economy is still running however the real pain is about to hit. Fiat money will collapse in the near future and our way of life will be that of martial law and a 3rd world country, God promised Israel if they were faithful to follow the covenant that he would bless all they did. In a parallel sense the US was blessed as one nation under God an no nation ever enjoyed our run of blessing and favor. But the law said if they failed to keep the covenant and lived like the heathen nations that they would be the tail , the debtor and be slave to the lender and that they would inherit all the curses instead of blessings. We see the cause and effect that effects all. There is no wave of prosperity coming the seeds of a failure are more than economic they are spiritual. The whole world will go through the tribulation at a result of sliding as far away from God that the list that you mention can even be considered as not effecting anything.
Answer by jmick8
wasnt the president that got us into this financial stress a bible bashing fundie that snorted coke on the weekends? not to mention economies rise and fall thats why we have the stock market. and were running out of money because we are still supporting a useless war and spending loads doing so.
edit: sometimes i wish i can thumbsdown an answer multiple times
Answer by s11dolso
In a way, it does have to do with our lives. God put us on earth to help others and show them the truth – we are fighting for the lives of people who have been decieved by Satan! Some christians don’t handle issues such as gay marriage and abortion in a way that i agree with. Some become violent and make offensive remarks and i believe this is wrong. Homosexuals should not be hated because they are still equal in God’s eyes. I still care about these people, but I don’t agree with their livestyle choice. God says that homosexuality is wrong and there’s a reason for it. Because God is against it, I should be against it.
God loves every individual and he created everyone with unique and personalized qualities. However, most people are lost and we should be fighting for them. I care about everyone and I want everyone to experience the amazing love of God.
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