nightowl1517: How can you possibly call islam a peaceful religion?
What happens to a person who makes a joke, uses humor or writes a negative book about islam? What happens to a person who questions that religion or chooses not to participate? The answer to all those questions is the person will be put to death. To me that is total dictatorship and an authoritarian form of rule. So how can any one say that islam is a peaceful religion?
These are not speculations. Remember Salomon Rashdi? He wrote a negative book about islam and there was a bounty on his head. Try being a non believer in Iran, Iraq and others. See how long it will be before you are stoned or beheaded.
I am not a muslim!! I do not subscribe to any religious affiliation.
Black bird: Very well said. Extremely intelligent comment. You got the best answer in the bag! 🙂
Answers and Views:
Answer by Ѧashiq_Ѧl_Ѧgnostiq Ðue in ϻarch?
I left Islam and my family in law (strict Muslims) has not harmed me at all. They treat me the same as they ever did.
and you are claiming these under what grounds? or are these just mere speculations? are you Muslim? have you studies Islam? I suggest you should study it extensively before getting into this kind of battle. Peace to all Muslim, Jews, Christians, Atheists, and Agnostics alike!Answer by Barney, Filling Your Gas Tank
Countries invaded by Islamic nations in the last 20 years : 1
Countries invaded by US, a “Christian” nation in the last 20 years: i dunno 6-7Answer by Mim
I agree the quran does say put any one who leaves the faith to death fortunately not all follow that but I know my husband lives in fear and we are desperate to get him out of pakistan he has had no contact with his family in 3 years but knows they have had the police looking for him and posters up saying he insulter mohammed. he has done no such thing just realized that Jesus is Lord and left islam.Answer by Desert Rose
Funny 1.5 million people were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan by the Christians that loves their enemies
The Land letter was a letter sent to U.S. President George W. Bush by five evangelical Christian leaders on October 3, 2002, outlining their theological support for a just war pre-emptive invasion of Iraq. The letter was written by Richard D. Land, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. It was co-signed by:
* Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries
* Bill Bright, chairman of Campus Crusade for Christ
* James Kennedy, president of Coral Ridge Ministries, and
* Carl D. Herbster, president of the American Association of Christian Schools
You’re right, I can’t. (personnaIly prefer Christianity).
More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.
Muslims like any other are not exceptional – in this case, many Muslims do force people to convert to Islam – they do it in their families ”stay a Muslim, or we will disown you” types. Forced marriages, sending child back home to marry young then come back here. It’s not just about forcing strangers to make it seem like they are bad bad, it’s just as harmful forcing a member of your own family.
Islam is a false teaching, doctrine. It is not peaceful.
Answer by Hail Naw!If anyone mocks a religion, and especially writes a book about it are held accountable for any confrontations with a Muslim. Secondly, no one is forced to join a religion. I have never heard of Muslims forcing someone to convert to Islam, especially those who aren’t Muslim-that’s unheard of.
Those Muslims who are dictators and rule with an iron fist and with death are terrorists not religious.
Answer by andreashatzIf what you said is true, then you’ve been put to death, so there’s no point answering… 🙂Answer by Vivian
I don´t
(and No, i am NOT influenced by media)
Answer by Darth DirtThe same way I can call Christianity a peaceful religion. Those were, and are, American Christians that worked for Blackwater over in Iraq shooting up all those civilians.
I mean, why is it okay for an American Christian to shoot someone for trying to steal their TV, but a Muslim can’t shoot a foreign invader for trying to steal his freedom?Answer by birdsflies
As I have always said, that islam is NOT peaceful, it is a false teaching by a false prophet.Answer by Muslim Egypt
We don’t accept Insulting our religion
Free speech =/= right to Insult My religionAnswer by PhluXx
I’m so tiered of haters like you talking shit. How about some proof all we have is your ignorant word!
Islam is a peaceful religion, I suggest you read the Qur’an.Answer by Goodevil1395
religion in general isn’t peaceful.Answer by Blackbird
All religions are founded on war… Peace has never been, that is why we have a naturel belief in a supreme deity who promises peace. The world is governed by man but even in the myths of the gods there is war amongst them, and if we come from them then… Don’t ask yourselves why there is such a thing as war. I don’t advocate it but it’s there and man alone is not in power to bring peace, that is why we need God or Allah or whoever. Then again their own stories are filled with war and destruction… You raise a valid point only it’s not just Islam. And by the way in parts of the world it is against the law to change religion or else your severely punished or put to death. Not to long ago Christians themselves were burning people at the stake for not sharing their beliefs. All religions were founded on war and hate so it boggles my mind that people are that naive to try and push this gullable idea that religion is about peace. The faith of one person is
the abolition of another person. Religion is carefully planned institution that feeds on the lives of people who are to week to think for themselves.. Religion is full of hate and propaganda, they all preach peace but they all kill for murder and profit, it’s disgusting and I doubt God himself is proud. I’m not an optimistic, I’m a prisonner of hope, hope that there will be peace… But faith in a religion guarantees conflict and God is God, he’s not religion…
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